I personally feel one of the weakest parts of the Star Wars system is the Force Powers. I don't care for how they are structured or flesh out. Saga force users were nice, because you basically started with force cantrip type abilites.
I do really like how Genesys has handled the magic system. With a little tweaking, I think this could be a good alternative for the force power system.
My next campaign will start with the Clone Wars. The pc's will be either Padawan or Clone trooper. I would like to possibly use the Genesys Magic tree for force powers.
My thinking is to just have them both. The FR can unlock tree's and activate talents. Have a "FORCE" skill they invest into. The knowledge's can be "Jedi/Sith Training" or something similar. Use these as the stand in for Divine/Abyssal. Keep the morality sliding scale. My main concern is meshing it with the Force Rating and Force die. I am open to suggestions, ideas and concerns from everyone.