Armor 1, possibly Armor 2 would make sense on the BARC, (though the 2 would be debatable) because it's supposed to be a bit heavier armored than the normal speeder bike, and thus be able to take a bit more punishment. Giving it Armor 1, Cover 1 at all times would go a long, long way towards helping. Neither by themselves would be great, but combined, it might keep the dang thing alive a bit longer.
Republic Lists by Alpha
It's hard to believe that around the same time, the BARC and Taun Taun riders were being designed and someone over at FFG went "Yeah those units are worth the same amount of point" (with the sidecar of course)
Edited by OneLastMidnight21 hours ago, OneLastMidnight said:It's hard to believe that around the same time, the BARC and Taun Taun riders were being designed and someone over at FFG went "Yeah those units are worth the same amount of point" (with the sidecar of course)
It's funny, because I describe the problems with both units in similar way. For the BARC, there basics are there, but it's just not quite enough. It always comes up short, and it's in about everything they do that they seem lacking. Individual stats aren't terrible, but it's less than the sum of its parts. For Tauntauns, everything is just a bit too much. It's not any one thing that makes them OP, it's the combination of stats and keywords, and it is worth far more than any of its keywords combined.
The BARC with sidecar would be good if it just hit a bit harder.
I had a game with:
6 Clones
Actually figured out how to play them properly, and they did not disappoint. Soresu Mastery is nuts. Didn't realise just how strong it is.
Would really like to see some solid spec forces or operatives for this army. Things that can operate more independently from the clone block that obi commands.
Things that don't rely on fire support nor token sharing.
13 hours ago, lologrelol said:The BARC with sidecar would be good if it just hit a bit harder.
I had a game with:
6 ClonesActually figured out how to play them properly, and they did not disappoint. Soresu Mastery is nuts. Didn't realise just how strong it is.
Would really like to see some solid spec forces or operatives for this army. Things that can operate more independently from the clone block that obi commands.
Things that don't rely on fire support nor token sharing.
Obi is consistently the MVP in my games. His command cards are just completely insane for his point cost. Only Sidious comes close.
Rex has been pretty meh for me so far, but he's pretty effective for his price. If Cody costs relatively similar and isn't terrible, I'll probably switch to him.
Small update:
Played a few games with the revised list; still not sold on Force Push. I did make use of it a couple of times in one game, but then I'll go several games without using it. It has at most been handy, not indispensable. I'm sure that's simply a matter of how I'm running it, but I do find myself wishing I had Hope as often as not.
Interesting discovery, however, is I've found I actually like running Rex and Obi very close together. This forces people to chose who they want to shoot, and if they go at Rex, I can Guardian hits away. Dealt two hits to a tank that way, which is nice when you lack Impact on every unit save one, and your dice are refusing to roll crits. Until their one pips are played, they work very well as a team, and tend to stay within command range of most of the murder ball. The biggest challenge is determining which one pip to play first.