200 Point Vanilla Game

By Tanakar001, in Star Wars: Armada Fleet Builds

Hi all,

Bought an Armada set off ebay and looking to have a familiarization game with a friend while I wait for my second playmat to come in. As I'm using half the play area, I figured a 200 point no-upgrade game would be good to get a feel for the game and keep things moving without us bogging down to read every upgrade card. Looking for some suggestions for a Rebel list.

Ships Available:

2 x CR90 Corvettes, 2 x Nebulon-B Frigates, 1 x GR-75 Transports, 1 x Assault Frigate, 1 x MC30, 1 x MC 80, 1 x Liberty

Squadrons Available:

Core set X-wings, 1 x Rebel Squadron I, 2 x Rogues and Villains.

Thanks in advance!

Are you looking for objective suggestions as well? Obstacles or no obstacles? Is the empire involved anywhere?

My first thought would be to give each player 3 X-wings, one CR90a and Nebulon-B escort frigate. Fight on an empty 3 x 3 you both should have more than enough space to play. Add obstacles, upgrades and objectives when you are ready.

Sorry I should clarify: I got a whole Imperial set too, my opponent is making his own 200 point list. We've gone through the intro scenario already so this is more of a next step before we start adding some upgrades in (off the top of my head I think we'll probably do an Admiral, titles, and named squadrons before we go full kit with all the upgrades). I'll probably have us toss out 3 obstacles as the play area is half the size. As far as objectives go I wasn't sure how skewed some of them would be on a smaller area so I was going to save those for the next game as well. Thinking of running 6 rounds of alternating initiative. So in summary, looking for some suggestions for a 200 point rebel list with no upgrades for my half of the game.

Thanks again.

Here is something I threw together. Effectively you want to double tap squadrons with Dutch to put them to sleep than kill both of them with Wedge. If there are no squadrons just start tossing bombs around. The spare X-wings are there as fighter bulk.

Faction: Rebel Alliance
Points: 188/200

Commander: General Dodonna

[ flagship ] CR90 Corvette B (39 points)
- General Dodonna ( 20 points)
- Dodonnas Pride ( 6 points)
= 65 total ship cost

Nebulon-B Escort Frigate (57 points)
- Yavaris ( 5 points)
= 62 total ship cost

1 Wedge Antilles ( 19 points)
1 Dutch Vander ( 16 points)
2 X-Wing Squadrons ( 26 points)
= 61 total squadron cost

Just a word of warning, 200 points with nammed ships and comanders can get pretty janky under 'normal' rules. It might be worth looking at the rebellion in the rim game mode rules (they are somewhere on this forum) as those are built for 200 point 3 x 3 fights.

I think I'm making things more difficult as I try to add background information. Please disregard the commander/title/named squadrons part of my last post. That was intended for the NEXT game. Just looking for base ship and squadron suggestions.

That's alright.

Just to make sure I'm following: 200 point fleet drafted from 2 cr90s, 2 neb-b, AFmk2, Mc80h, Mc80l, Mc30, gr75, 6 X-wings, 2 B-wings, 2 Y-wings, 2 A-wings, 2 Hwk 290, 2 YT-1300, 2 YT-2400, 2 H-6. No comanders, upgrades, or objectives to be selected or accounted for.


Okay so this may than work better for you.

Faction: Rebel Alliance
Points: 196/200

Assault Frigate Mark II A (81 points)
= 81 total ship cost

CR90 Corvette A (44 points)
= 44 total ship cost

CR90 Corvette B (39 points)
= 39 total ship cost

2 YT-2400s ( 32 points)
= 32 total squadron cost

The AFmk2 is the primary "alpha" ship, however it will need double arcs and range to consistently do damage. The two CR90s are there to padd out activations and throw dice where they can. The two YT-2400 are there to work as intercepters/beaters. As they are both rouge you can ignore the squadron command and still attack move in the squadron phase.

Thanks for the suggestion! I was looking at YT-2400s as without upgrades, the Rogue keyword becomes pretty powerful.

A thought on CR-90s: is an extra activation worth the weak dice they throw out? Without TRC they lose some punch. I particularly worry about getting the B variant in range without it getting hammered.

Drop the AFmk2 to a B to up the second CR-90 to an A? Consolidate into a nebulon or a mc30?

At 200 points and no upgrades I would stay as is.

Personally I favor the Cr90B over the A. If you were running upgrades I'd make both B series and add SW-7s to them for guaranteed damage when you shoot at a ship. As for the base cost of a Cr90A you get however much damage as you have dice pointed at a target ship. Sure they take more practice to fly properly but I think they are definitely worth it.

As for are the dice value it well, if you just wanted 3 activations you could toss in a gr75 and than mash the Cr90s into something bigger like a Mc30. Honestly there isn't a right answer there, but like I said I would leave it alone.

As for the mk two the blue dice on the front and rear might not play much of a role but the double blue flack most certainly will if there are a good number of Ties. Without aces to worry about the 1 average damage your flack will do adds up. Couple that with the two 2400s and you have a Tie kill box. But I don't know how invested in squadrons your opponent will be.

Edited by Grathew
Spelling and stuff

I've got this condition, where I have to always include Neb Bs in every list that doesn't have Akbar, so here's my idea.

MC 30 Torpedo Frigate

Nebulon B Escort Frigate

CR90B Corvette

2x X-wing squadrons

1x Y-wing squagron

The CR90 and MC30 can use speed to dive in, fire, and run away. While the NebB can slow roll with long range fire, soaking up punishment, and controlling the fighters.