Hi all,
Bought an Armada set off ebay and looking to have a familiarization game with a friend while I wait for my second playmat to come in. As I'm using half the play area, I figured a 200 point no-upgrade game would be good to get a feel for the game and keep things moving without us bogging down to read every upgrade card. Looking for some suggestions for a Rebel list.
Ships Available:
2 x CR90 Corvettes, 2 x Nebulon-B Frigates, 1 x GR-75 Transports, 1 x Assault Frigate, 1 x MC30, 1 x MC 80, 1 x Liberty
Squadrons Available:
Core set X-wings, 1 x Rebel Squadron I, 2 x Rogues and Villains.
Thanks in advance!