Six month long Droid meta

By gokubb, in Star Wars: Destiny

I know there's a lot of disappointed players with the news of the delay of Covert Missions. This game has had its fair share of delays already, with this one being at a time when the meta is looking to be very stale. Unlike others, I don't think this means FFG is canceling the game or that the next set will be the last. I still see this game sell well on release day. While FFG may not have the production right, overproducing for sure on the last few sets, it still has to be a money maker for them. And, while tournaments may stall here without new product, they'll be back once the new set drops early next year.

I think everyone's main concern is living through this in in the droid meta. They're just not a fun deck to play against. They're kind of like a mix of all the worst in Destiny's history: consistency/instant resolution of Poe/Maz; non-interactive like Sabine/Ezra; resource generation like Snoke/Wat(to). Add in the resource choke capability of pretty much any droid lineup and you have a key deck in the meta that, while beatable, isn't fun to play against. So, what do you think FFG's plans are for making this delay something players can stomach? I'm not a fan of errata or balance for them because I feel like the lists could be stopped through cards instead of rules changes, but I think it's now more likely to happen. Curious to see what the player base would suggest is done.

Also, what can we do to shake up the tournament scene in the meantime? I mean, a no droid rule at tournaments is a boring way to solve the problem. Sure, it would make for more diverse decks, but something with more thematic purpose would be better. Any play groups out there dabbling with alternative formats or rules to combat the issue?

Play a deck you enjoy, that way you'll have fun no matter what.

I am playing with a Han/Lando Profit deck that has been fun to play. Lando keeps stealing Hans' ship, gun and dice...

Fun decks work if everyone plays them. Otherwise Chopper kills Lando before you get a die resolution out of him on second turn. That’s not hyperbole. That’ll happen in over 50% of the games played.

I'm actually glad they delayed Covert Missions, so we can focus playing prime champs in october. And I can also focus on birthdays and christmas within 3 months without worrying changing decks in such a short time. To me, between October to December are not the best time to release.

7 hours ago, gokubb said:

Fun decks work if everyone plays them. Otherwise Chopper kills Lando before you get a die resolution out of him on second turn. That’s not hyperbole. That’ll happen in over 50% of the games played.

So don't play against serious decks.

Do all your opponents games have to have serious, competitive and must win games? If they are then then next 6 months will be absolute rubbish, because you will be playing a pretty rubbish meta with little respite.

Gaming has a social contract between the players, if you want fun games and your opponents don't then it isn't all on FFG.

Sure, for league and pickup games. But, for tournament games the goal is to perform well. It’s not on the players to police the fun of a tournament. You can’t fault a player for playing with what FFG printed. It is 100% on FFG.

Now, typically, players would police the meta and destroy the decks that people brought that weren’t fun to play against. However, FFG has created a game where the top meta deck right now doesn’t really have a weakness. It’s pretty hard to tech against with any reliability.

Edited by gokubb

The way FFG runs this game is a joke. Lackluster store-level organized play outside of a once a month kit (when they actually get delivered on time), inability to stick to firm release dates, and inability to balance the game.

This is all stuff Magic went through in the mid 90s - FFG should've learned from their lessons. I would love to play this game, but the cards rarely hold any value, the secondary market is next to non-existent, and the player-pool is shrinking. I'd love to drop a ton of money on this - but it just feels dumb at this point. And that really sucks.

An email was sent yesterday to those who are registered for Worlds:


Star Wars™ Destiny World Championship attendees, we wanted to give you some extra time to adjust to some upcoming Balance of the Force, Restricted List, and Errata for the game, as these changes will be in effect for the World Championships. C-3PO is getting a Balance of the Force adjustment, to 9/11 points. The Restricted List will have three additions, Arena of Death, Droid’s Day Out, and Ewok Warrior. Wat Tambor’s Power Action will receive errata to work only with Red Supports. Please take these changes into account when preparing your decks for the World Championship!

I'm not surprised by the C-3PO change. Several of us locally had said we thought he should be 11 points elite from the start.

Nerfing Droid's Day Out basically removes the card from the game. If you can't play it with R2/3PO, then nobody's ever going to use that card again.

I haven't decided what to think of the ewok/arena errata. It's like they wanted to nerf ewok decks to keep them from becoming the dominant deck once droids were nerfed, but they couldn't decide how to do it. This has the unintended side effect of preventing C-3PO from being playable with ewoks. That was thematic, but a lousy deck, so I doubt if anyone will care. If I were going to Worlds, I'd still seriously consider bringing my ewok deck, but it would require some tweaking without the battlefield.

The change to Wat's PA will nerf a few villain support decks, mostly Aphra's droids and Entourage focused decks. Ironically, vehicles might make a comeback, since the PA still works with Hailfire Tanks, Tie Fighters, Planetary Bombardment, and other red vehicles. And it still works with Megablasters, so Phasma / Wat is still solid, though that was never quite a tier 1 deck.

On 9/21/2019 at 12:33 PM, Fromper said:

This has the unintended side effect of preventing C-3PO from being playable with ewoks. That was thematic, but a lousy deck, so I doubt if anyone will care.

C-3PO isn't on the restricted list, so you can still play that. He's on the balance of the force for a point change, but not restricted.

Even after the errata, Chopper droids should still be in the mix. Nowhere near as powerful without all the activate at once cards available in the same deck, but can still be strong.

C-3PO has been on the restricted list from the beginning.

You're right that Chopper, R2, and 3PO is probably still one of the strongest decks around. Talking to friends who are going to Worlds, they're thinking Rey-Kylo might be worth playing there, too, as it's one of the better decks that didn't get nerfed. Even R2, 3PO, Satine is still possible, just not as good.

37 minutes ago, Fromper said:

C-3PO has been on the restricted list from the beginning.

You're right that Chopper, R2, and 3PO is probably still one of the strongest decks around. Talking to friends who are going to Worlds, they're thinking Rey-Kylo might be worth playing there, too, as it's one of the better decks that didn't get nerfed. Even R2, 3PO, Satine is still possible, just not as good.

Oh, I totally forgot they restricted him with the military camp back when the set released.

I think aggro droids still works, but resource droids got the bigger nerf losing the fifth die or fateful.

Edited by gokubb