Missing cards in SoB

By kdurrf, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I just open my SoB expansion, and found out that some stat cards for monsters are missing, for Medusa, Lava Beetle, Wendigo, Ice Wyrm and Shades

i know that the stat are teh same as in RtL, but wicth of them have swim ?

also in dungeon 51, minions option D, u can get 2 Dark Elves :-) are thoes Dark Priest or Deep Elves ??

kdurrf said:

I just open my SoB expansion, and found out that some stat cards for monsters are missing, for Medusa, Lava Beetle, Wendigo, Ice Wyrm and Shades

i know that the stat are teh same as in RtL, but wicth of them have swim ?

The cards came with Tomb of Ice, not RtL.

okay, but will anyone of them have swim ?

so far as i know the mean deep elves

as you can see on the picture the look like dark elves

Why would any of the monsters in ToI have swim? IMHO, the reason they didn't include cards is A) they are included in ToI and B) there are no changes for them. The only creature I can think that *might* have swim is the Icy Wyrm, but even then I think that's a stretch. Wendigos swimming? No way. Shades? Unlikely. Lava Beetles? It'd dowse their lava. Medusas? I don't even know what the hell those things are, so, um, no, they can't swim ;)


shnar said:

Shades? Unlikely.

Shades have Fly, why would they need swim?