Porting Card game characters into the RPG

By neilcell, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game

Does anyone use the stats from the L5R Card game to generate character stats for the RPG? I was pleased at the stats they gave Hida Sugi and the social and combat values they gave are similar to the conflict rating of the character should one use the character folios as a NPC stat block. I noticed that the conflict values for Kistuki Yukimi and Agasha Sumeko in the RPG are very similar to the values in the Card game.

At a bare minimum, it does give one an idea for where to begin when building a stat block as you use similar NPC profiles and then tailor them, but I was wonder what thoughts other people here had.

Pretty much this. I would probably follow this thought process:

  • Assume the intrigue/martial conflict rank should match.
  • Find the closest existing match (i.e. the courtier/bushi/shinobi/whatever) on the master roster of NPCs that most closely matches in conflict rank(s).
  • 'Tweak' rings up or down to match skill
  • Set demeanours to match the known personality (if it is) or the clan/family stereotypes if not.
  • Alter special rules to taste.

I will throw a curveball in here and say that the cards "stats" do not match the rpg. You cannot always assume a character with high military strength in the card game will have a strong "martial" stat in the rpg.

The card game's stats represent a broad number that even includes outside factors. For exemple, Sotorii is a 4 military in the card game, but he is probably a 1 or 2 melee in the rpg, if even. His 4 military in the card game also represents other factors like his bodyguards and his status. Sure, the military stat also represents the character's own prowess, but that isnt the "only" factor.

As other examples, check the new Shoju with a "dash" for military. It doesnt mean the guy is garbage with a sword (he isn't), but more like "he wont fight or can't be fought" due to his current duties.

Same goes for Ryoku, a mere 1/3 in the card game, but a beast in the rpg with 5s everywhere. Her card stats represent the fact that she isnt imperial advisor anymore and doesn't have as much pull.

Or Kakita Yoshi with a 2 military, but the guy never lifted a sword.

Anyway, food for thought!

Edited by Avatar111