Shoretroopers: a joy to paint

By Sparty1701, in Painting

Will do first squad as “Scariff” but anyone got any alternative colour schemes - i’m thinking something like Colonial Marines from “Aliens”


What color did you use for the armor?

Screaming skull then Agrax wash

Agrax wash is magic! Nice work.

Looking real nice. I'm also thinking of going for an alternative scheme for shoretroopers, I am thinking a mix of greys and classifying them as marines/urban assault troops.

Those are terrific bases

Thanks. Green stuff to make the sand bar and levy to keep the Vallejo water effect (with a drop of light blue) in, as it drys.

Awesome! I can't wait to get ahold of these guys. They look like so much fun to paint!

Huge fan of the Alien franchise, post pics if you go with the colonial marine theme

These look amazing. Can't wait to get my hands on these troops. Became an instant favorite after watching Rogue One. (Painted up my very first squad of Stormtroopers as a "Survivors of Scariff squad") Gonna pick up 3 or 4 squads just to paint up some alternate paint schemes even if they never make it to a table.