Report from European Continental Championship 2019

By Tokra, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

As promised, here is a report from the Euro Championship from Krakow.
Basically, this is the same list that I was using on worlds and on the German Grand Championship, with just a little modification to be prepared against a SSD (Rhymer and Opening Salvo as objective).
At the grand Championship i had Vader (Boarding) on the Raider. I removed him again, and it was a good decision.
Sloane V6

But first some general pictures:


Here is the Expo Hall from the outside. It seems a bit lonely.


A 180° picture from the inside of the hall. The entrance is on the far right side, Armada was on the far left side. Somehow i felt a bit deported.


Outside was a nice and comfortable food truck corner. They had some really good (and cheap) food. And it was great to sit down and chat a bit.


We had a big problem with the prices. They were not there (stuck at the custom office). But thanks god they came on Saturday.
The amount of tokens was, same as on the Grand Championship, a bit weird. No one need 12 redirect. But the most one that you need, the Brace, is only 8 times in it. And only 4 Scatter is a problem for me (with these Aces). But this was the "imperial" set, i was expecting to see a bit more Scatter in this one.

Day 1:

Round 1:


Round 1 was against a Sloane fleet with ISD, Quasar (without Squall) and two Gozanti. I had the choice (only good I took Vader out again) and took first player.
We played his most wanted. My Arquitens and his Gozanti were the targets.

He did not have a Pryce but took the Strategic Adviser. With 5 activations on his side this seems really ok. But he had only 6 Squadrons. Along these were Jonus and Zertik. But this is the problem with ISD + 3 ships. Squadrons have to give their points for it.

Basically this was only a squadron fight, which I decided for myself. Additional I took out his Most Wanted target Gozanti out with the insane range of Squall + Rhymer.
His ISD was not so successful in hunting the Arquitens (especially with me as first player).

In the end it was a straight 8-3.

Round 2:


One part ahead. It seems my opponent was a beginner. This explained some of his decisions. But he won in the first round with 8-3 as well.

He was playing a Rieekan – Yavaris – Ace list. With an Admonition, Yavaris, Hammerhead and two Transports.
I was second player and we were playing my Fighter Ambush (I am afraid my opponent has still nightmares about this mission).

Just a short summary. I lost Mauler. That’s it.
He lost anything but the MC30. Additional I had 10 Victory tokens.
It was a straight 10-1 with a MOV over 400.

Round 3:


Toms Raider Swarm.
No squadrons, this was good for me. Raider? At least they are dying fast against my squadrons. But I have to take them down really fast.
The mission was my Opening Salvo (another bonus for him, with this many ships).



He wanted to go in with the Raiders and hit me fast. In return I send in my Squadrons with Squall and Rhymer and could take down the first Raider to one hull.
Turn 2 was not better; he lost two Raiders (the damaged one and another one). At this point he decides to turn his ships away, and run to the other side of the map. Just to prevent more losses.


And here we can see the nearly invincible Gozanti. It stood in the middle of the pack, and was eating one attack after another. It took him a total of 5 attacks (4 with Opening Salvo token, one was double arc) too take down this Gozanti.


I lost two Gozanti in the end. He lost two Raiders. Additional there was the damaged Gozanti and one damaged Raider for half points.
It was a 7-4 win.

Round 4:

This round was again against Sloane. This time with ISD (Pryce) and Demolisher.


But i could pick first player, and removing one of the bigger dangers this way. We were playing his Planetary Ion Cannon (a really unusual mission).

The match was just a Squadron killing game.

I made a really stupid mistake in the game. I wanted to place Saber Squadron in position, but he was too close and it was too early. He could get in Saber, and had Jendon in range for a nice 3 damage roll. I lost saber, next turn was the Pryce turn, where I could not last/first as well, and I had to take out my squadrons with commands, ruining my last/first till the end.

I could win the squadron fight, but with way bigger losses than I thought.
It was only a 6-5 in the end.

Round 5:

This round was against the current European Champion. To be in the cut for sure, I will need 6 points. With a good MOV and luck 4 could be enough.
Pioty was playing Sloane as well (the 3rd Sloane match this day).



In this game i was a bit too nice (regarding the rules).

One of his TIE Phantoms was standing on a station. The hull was at 3. So I thought it would be enough with only two attacks. Valen was attacking something different. But when it came to the Phantom, we realized that it must be at 4 hull, and not 3. But now I was one damage short. The Phantom was alive, could move, and did a double attack on Dengar for 2x Acc and double hit (two times) and killing Dengar directly. Suddenly my whole defense was down, and I could not more this freely as I planned. And there was still this loose Phantom flying around.

End of it: I lost the squadron fight really close with a 5-6.
Now I had to wait for the other games, too see if the points are enough for the cut.

End of day 1:


It was enough. But a 4-7 would have kicked me out of the cut via the MOV.

So, remember: Errors are bad for the score.

Because we finished a bit past 11pm, the day was more or less over and we did not do anything.
Back to the hotel, take a shower and get to sleep (or the other way around, I am not sure anymore).

Edited by Tokra

Day 2:

Round 1:

And directly into the cut. Top 8 with all these „hate“ fleets I can think of (sounds strange, when you play Sloane yourself…).

3x Sloane, 2x Raddus, Rieekan, Thrawn and a lonely Ackbar.

The first round was against Thrawn with ISD, Demo, two Arquitens (with TRC) and two Gozanti.

Really interesting variation, and similar to the Raider swarm fleet from the first day. Sadly these Arquitens can take a bit more than a Raider.

I was first player (did I mention that I am happy that I took Vader out?) and picked his Most Wanted. My Squall and one of his Gozanti were the targets.




It took a bit longer to take down these Arquitens. And my Quasar could not run away forever. This was really clear for me right from the begin.
I could not get his Demolisher, because he was guarding it too well. The only I could do was to take down the two Arquitens and the Most Wanted Gozanti (rammed to death with the Centicore).

My Rhymer was flying around on 1 hull, and I was lucky that my opponent could not kill him with 3 blue dice from the Demolisher.

In the end it was a 6-5 with a MOV of 4. If Rhymer would have died, it would have been a 5-6

Round 2:

This round was against an old fried/opponent Alessio. I have played quite a few times against him. And basically his fleet was always similar to this one.

He had a Rieekan MC80 Liberty. Just his old 4+ Transports were changed to two Transports, two CR90 and a Hammerhead.
The squadrons were two VCX, Shara and Tycho.

This fleet had no bid anymore (CR90 are more expensive than Transports).
But when I saw these squadrons, I was sure what his missions are. With this missions, I took the safe way and took second player, and was hopping that I could take out some ships really fast, to prevent a last/first death.

It was again an Opening Salvo match.


At this point everything was normal. I thought that he will go full in with the Liberty.


But it came different. He just wanted to take out one Gozanti, and get away after it.
The second part worked really well (and was unexpected). But the first part didn’t work so well. The Gozanti survived.

After this I started the hunt for the ships with my squadrons. Really hard, when the Squall and Centicore are heading in the wrong direction.

Full power ahead, and trying to kill something.



His flying into the corner was really perfect. And beside one ran it was impressive. The ramming damage on the Hammerhead was even repaired.

But I could take down one CR90, one transport had ram damage from my Centirore and the MC80 was nearly dead (~3 hull left). Additional the two A-Wings were dead.

It was an exact MOV of 140 for a 8-3.

Round 3:

This third round was the same opponent as round 4 from the first day. Sloane (the 4th) with Demo and ISD.

This match was on the Livestream from Legion Krakow.

Legion Krakow Livestream Final Armada

This is why i don’t need to say this much.

I was just excited when Calum was flying in his Demo with this insane speed. This Gladiator became a really easy target for my squadrons, without such a danger to lose anything for me.
The Demo went down, the ISD was too far away (and no time to kill it). This is why I focused on the squadrons.

It was a 8-3 game for me.

Because the first 3 player after round 2 were at 14 points, I had to wait for table 2. And just hope, that this will not be a 9-2 or high MOV 8-3.


In the end it was a really clear result, because the 4th from round 2 won. And this even increased the difference to me.
2nd, 3rd and 4th all had 18 points. And their MOV had to decide.
The top 4 picture was really funny. 3 times Team Poland, with their team shirts, and me.

Even when I hope that the next Continental Championship will be in Germany (even the X-Wing Titel went to Germany), I am afraid that it will not happen. Poland, and especially Krakow, has their advantages. First it is really cheap over there (compared to Germany), and it is easy to reach.

In the end I was happy that I could finally be on a polish event, after I had to turn down the invite for the Polish Championship and a Regional because of time reasons.

And I really hope that it will be at the same place next year (if not in Germany).

Edited by Tokra