"Ignoring armor" & Tunic

By twak2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi all,

Can the tunic's ability ("When you suffer 1 or more wounds, roll 1 power die for each wound suffered. Cancel 1 wound for each blank you roll.") be used against damage which ignore armour (eg: Spiked Pit or Bleed tokens). The tunic is armor, but it is not increasing the armor stat.



twak2 said:

Hi all,

Can the tunic's ability ("When you suffer 1 or more wounds, roll 1 power die for each wound suffered. Cancel 1 wound for each blank you roll.") be used against damage which ignore armour (eg: Spiked Pit or Bleed tokens). The tunic is armor, but it is not increasing the armor stat.



Yes, because the ability of the tunic is unrelated to its Armor Value (which is zero). Compare this to the Iron Shield, which cancels a wound but specifically says it can't cancel wounds that ignore armor.

Another example of the unfortunate dual usage of the word Armor in Descent to both indicate a statistic and a type of item.