first: great game! we have a blast and i would like to congratulate you on an awesomw product!!!
we did run into several rules issues though and i would like to start a thread regarding them. (i have not not played any previous editions and english is not my first language, sorry if the answers are obvious to you guys...)
1) is there a maximum number of cards you can have in your hand (i assume no)? what happens when a player has to draw a card but can not? we just played a game with the kaikaze and he had close to 40 cards in his hand (he had some moebius tubes) and we almost ran out of encounter cards! are we doing something wrong?
2) what if the *hate* has 1 or 0 cards in hand at the start of his turn? discard first and then draw 8 or the other way around?
3) what if the looser declares an upset and one player has to play a negotiate? are compansations payed? who will get them?
4) can i use a special or wild card to attack players in my own system? what if i draw a special and i am the player in questiuon? can i discard the card and draw again as with a normal card of my own color?
there are more questions but we want to get back to playing... i will come back to post the rest in a bit.
than you for the help!