Andrew Navaro Q&A & FFG OP Support For IA

By cnemmick, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

After Andrew Navaro dropped the truth bombs on us today , I asked in the Twitch chat how long FFG OP is planning on supporting Imperial Assault.

The Twitch Chat Moderator replied: "OP support for it will be winding down. More information will be available soon."

I recall seeing FFG OP posts on Facebook that mentions IA World 2020 at Adepticon. I think we can reasonably expect that, if IA Worlds 2020 happens, it may be the last official FFG OP event.

If you'd like to continue playing competitive skirmish, the IACP will be organizing events in 2020. Stay tuned for more information.

When they announced the current store support kits format of "play several games of skirmish and campaign" it seemed a really bad idea.

I've been asking for a while on when they will announce Worlds 2020 so people can book plane tickets, but I just got told that they hadn't announced anything because there were still Nationals to complete.

It's so disappointing to me. I got out of Xwing prior to 2.0 announcement. I bought in to Keyforge when it came out, but they have already announced their 3rd wave on that.

At this rate, I suspect I am going to end up being a casual Armada player, and not investing in any further skirmish games.

I asked Adepticon directly which day IA worlds swiss and cut will be on and they told me that the scheduling meeting will be happening in the next couple of weeks, so it should be soon. I was also given a window already (that was actually smaller than the entire con s chedule), so it is on their agenda.

Edited by penguizaur