Journey of the Supreme Leader

By Ryuneke, in X-Wing Battle Reports

The intention of this thread is to post Battlereports of my favourite X-Wing list of all time: Kylo Ren + Quickdraw.

Thanks to PhilGC who showed me the beauty of flying 2 ship lists.

Lets start with the list (Updated 12.12.2019):

Kylo Ren (76)
Supernatural Reflexes (24)
Pattern Analyzer (5)
Proton Torpedoes (13)
Plasma Torpedos (9)
Primed Thrusters (9)

“Quickdraw” (45)
Crack Shot (1)
Lone Wolf (5)
Pattern Analyzer (5)
Special Forces Gunner (10)
Fire-Control System (2)
Afterburners (6)
Total: 191

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This Kylo is an absolute monster and a pain to track down for most opponents. The key to success is Quickdraw: Her job is to kill enough so Kylo can cleanup the rest of the board. Flying her is way more difficult than flying Kylo. Winning or losing depends on what you're doing with Quickdraw.

Flying these 2 Aces is an absolute blast: Every decision counts, make a mistake and you'll get punished for it, enjoy winning like never before.

Game 1

My opponent played a pretty tanky list fielding 2 Kimogilas and Sol Sixxa with lots of Bombs and Torpedos. This list is also able to ionize ships in range 1 with a nice combo between 4-LOM and Static Discharge Vanes. You really don't want to be at range 1 of Sol Sixxa.

I put Kylo on the opposite site of the enemy ships. With Supernatural he can adapt to the maneuvers pretty good to either stay on target or to disengage. After disengaging I turned Kylo in again with lots of options for the upcoming round.


My opponent took the bait and turned in towards Kylo. With the two rocks blocking most of the maneuvers towards Quickdraw, she was able to turn in.


Kylo supernatural boosted to the right followed by a talon roll. Thanks to Pattern Analyzer he locked one of the Kimos and fired his first Torpedo salvo into the ship. The seismic bomb destroyed the rock dealing 1 point of damage to both Kimos.


Quickdraw disengaged and used Afterburners to dodge Sol Sixxas arc. Both Kylo and Quickdraw dealt some damage to Sol Sixxa this turn.


Here I did a huge mistake which will result in the death of Quickdraw later on. I was too greedy killing the Kimogila on the right so I turned her in with a 2 turn getting shot from both the Kimogila and Sol Sixxa. Quickdraw lost all of her shields without triggering her ability at all. Dialing in a 3 bank would have been much better to avoide every single shot and still getting rid of the Kimogila.


Because of my mistake Quickdraw couldn't disengage so I turned her in again to do as much damage to Sol Sixxa as possible. She boosted in range 1 to him, dodged the Kimos arc but suffered 2 damage and became ionized. With only 1 hull remaining Quickdraws days were numbered. Meanwhile Kylo did more damage :)


This shows exactly how one mistake with this list can possible change the outcome of the game. Nevertheless Quickdraw did her job: Both enemy ships had only 3 hull left.


Kylo did what he can do best.


The Kimo k-turned again using Contraband. With Supernatural Reflexes Kylo was able to get a range 1 shot finishing off the Cartel Executioner. With this ship gone, my opponent conceded.

This game showed the potential as well as the weakness of the list. Quickdraw is the most important piece to provide a good endgame situation for Kylo. With only 2 green dice she can die so fast if you put her in the wrong spot.

Having those tough decisions every turn is a thrill I don't want to miss in X-Wing.

Edited by Ryuneke

Love those graphic overlays.

The photoshop is quite strong with this one; in time they may prove to be a powerful poster indeed. 🦹‍♀️

Truely though, this has all the hallmarks of an entertaining battle report; clear turn-by-turn, sharp pictures, and the edit candy is superbly blended into the original images.

Keep at it!

Sweet graphics. Funny-looking Quickdraw. :D

No idea how Sol got *that* much stress, though. I thought Static Discharge Veins only worked when you weren't stressed.

54 minutes ago, theBitterFig said:

Sweet graphics. Funny-looking Quickdraw. :D

No idea how Sol got *that* much stress, though. I thought Static Discharge Veins only worked when you weren't stressed.

Two panicked pilots can be pretty painful. 😅

Quickdraw is flying Phasmas Tie because she is already ☠️

This morning Kylo woke up and found something very special in the mailbox. He's still very happy and excited.





Now we are complete!

Game 2

I had the opportunity to play a game at our local store. I had a bad feeling when my opponent (awesome guy btw) showed me his list.


Supernatural Vader with FCS and Afterburners; Soontir with Crackshot and Stealth Device and an Academy Tie. Two I6 Pilots can cause major problems to my list (especially to Kylo). Luckily he didn't outbid me so Quickdraw moved last.

He placed the Academy in the middle. I put Kylo on the left side of the table so he can engage/disengage using Supernatural in the first round as he likes. Soontir and Vader were placed togehter. Quickdraw went next to Kylo ready to face the imperial aces. Gameplan: Trade Quickdraw for Vader (or Soontir)...


After the first 2-3 rounds: Soontir and Vader stayed together. Quickdraw turned in and I sent Kylo through the rocks. I was in a pretty good spot here because he had to make a decision: Either go after Kylo to let QD flank or fight QD to let Kylo flank. Another good thing was that Vader needed to bank to face QD.

I thought he would turn towards Kylo in the next round...


...what he didn't. Both Soontir and Vader faced Quickdraw to kill her early on. I sent QD 5 forward to be in a position where I had to make a difficult decision. Either Boost 1 straight (to possible avoid Soontirs shot) or 1 bank & barrel roll (to possible arcdogde both arcs). It took me some time to figuring out what QD's best move might be. I decided to boost 1 straight (see image above) because if QD dodges Soontirs arc she could lock Vader to maybe double tap into him. Because QD is a lucky devil she arcdoged Soonir by a millimeter and stripped the first shields from Vader. Without a lock Vader refused shooting back. QD was now in a good position to block turn maneuvers towards Kylo...


All enemy ships did K-turns which surprised me. QD did a segnor's loop and used her last Afterburners charge to get a shot into Vader. Pattern Analyzer helped her to get another action. Kylo Supernatural barrel rolled to the left and 2 banked in. I was still playing Kylo pretty cagy because I don't want him to take any damage at this stage. So I held him back and focused instead of taking a lock. Shots were fired and QD was able to double tap with Vader taking 2 more damage. QD only lost one shield. Nice!


Now Kylo had some really good options because both Aces were stressed. I dialed in a 4k to get him behind the squad using Supernatural to boost. Pattern Analyzer gave him a lock. Soontir wanted to block Quickdraw but failed again by a millimeter. Both of my ships had a range 1 shot into Soontir. My opponents dice failed twice...


Vader hadn't much options so I let Kylo bump into Quickdraw to fire a Proton Torpedo. With 4 hits on my dice and only one eye on my opponents, Vader died and he called the game.

I never thought I will win this game. The key to victory was to gave him the initiative so QD was able to move after both imperial aces.

After the game my opponent said that the only thing the Academy Tie did was to give him the initiative.

Conclusion: I won because of two things - Initiative and bad dice variants on my opponents side.

See you soon!

Edited by Ryuneke

I went to a local tournament (20 players) two weeks ago. Unfortunately my camera broke, so no picuters this time. Just a short report:

Game 1 against Fenn, Seevor, 2x Star Vipers

...was the most depressing game that day.

My engagement was alright but Kylo blanked against Fenn and lost 2 shields. Quickdraw double tapped into a tokenless Fenn for only 1 damage out of 8 dice. Next round: Kylo shot his torp. into a tokenless Fenn and produced 1 hit (with the use of the force and his lock) for no damage. The story continuied: After QD died, Kylo shot his 2nd torp. into a tokenless Fenn for 3 hits and a crit this time. Fenn rolled natties.
Nevertheless Kylo saved me some points by not dropping down to half. He nearly killed Fenn in the last round but he nattied out again. This game can be brutal sometimes!

Loss 35-69

Game 2 against Luke + Lando

Good matchup because Kylo was moving last. Lando was the primary target because Kylo is stronger against small bases. I sent both aces after Lando who got heavily damaged without Luke being in the fight at all. After QD died due to console fire, it was Kylo against Luke. With Supernatural Reflexes Kylo's mentor haven't had a chance.

Win 200-69

Game 3 against Wedge, Thane, Luke

My intention was to trade QD for Wedge. Unfortunately my opponent didn't throw him into the fight so QD and Kylo took out Luke before him. I played super cagy this time because all three X-Wings can gun down QD pretty fast. With lots of disengaging and the use of Afterburners I was able to kill most of the list with only loosing half a QD. In the last round Kylo blanked again and dropped down to half points but got a revenge shot in return which killed Thane.

Win 200-94

Game 4 against Ani, Obi, Ric

The list that won the North American Championship. Trading QD for Ani would be nice. Both Kylo and QD hunted Anakin so he wasn't able to flank. As Obi-Wan showed up I changed my target priority. With QD and a torp I got him down to half points with a "damaged engine". It took me so many rounds of shooting to finally get rid of regen Anakin. He's so strong! The best moment in the game was to segnors loop Quickdraw over a rock to then perform an action thanks to pattern analyzer to then loose a shield and double tap into Anakin. It was one of the most intense games I ever had.

Win 165-94

Game 5 against Sear Swarm

With 3-1 I made it to table 1 with a decent chance of making a top 3 placement. My opponent was Kettch, one of the best german X-Wing players, who was the only undefeated player that day. I never played against a Sear Swarm or any other Separatist swarm. Furthermore playing against 8 ships with only 2 Aces is a pretty tough matchup as well. It was a close game which I lost because of two things: Being too cagy with Kylo without taking any risks and trying to take out Sear with QD. It would have been so much better to kill 1-2 Drones in the first turn of engagement. The list is absolutely able to do that (because of Torpedo, double tap, Crack Shot). QD died without taking out a single roger-roger-droid. Kylo is strong but cant handle 8 ships all by himself. It was close but it wasn't enough time left.

Loss 47-69

With 3-2 and good MOV I finished 5th. I was really happy with the result because I have had the chance to even win this thing.

That tournament showed me again how much I like this list and how strong it can be. It also prooved that the meta is in a good and healthy state right now.

Edited by Ryuneke

Kylo and Quickdraw got a new paint job.


I will play at a local tournament on Saturday. I'll bring my camera this time and hopefully take some pictures. My goal for the tournament is 3-1 (to be honest). But I think 2-2 is more realistic. See you soon!

Edited by Ryuneke

I was right: 2-2 is realistic...

Game 1 against Kylo, Tavson, Scorch

My opening engagement was good. His Kylo survived with only one hull left whereas my Kylo only lost 2 shields. The gamechanger was a range 3 shot from scorch on Kylo through a gas cloud for hit, crit. Kylo blanked with 5 dice and suffered the panicked pilot crit (2 stress tokens). So no SR for two turns with Kylo being in a spot where he desperately needed his force talent to get out of dodge. Kylo died and QD haven't had a chance all by herself.

Loss 37-200

Game 2 against Wedge, Garven and Gavin (E-Wing)

Everything went to plan. With a good opening engagemt (2 shots into Wedge with QD only loosing one shield) I was able to trade QD for Wedge and Gavin later on. Kylo finished the job without a problem.

Win 200-69

Game 3 against Sear Swarm

Again! After loosing on the final table against a Sear Swarm a few weeks ago I learned a couple of lessons. I played way more aggressive this time with the intention to take out as many ships as fast as possible. I played a decent game but lost in the end. My opponent said that I should have won the game and he admitted, that his defensive dice bailed him out. He had paint on nearly all his greens and I wasn't able to kill enough ships before both of my Aces explodes. More to the damage output later on.

Loss 47 - 200

Game 4 against Bossk, Boba, Escape Craft

Kylo went after the Escape Craft really aggressive and took it out early on. Without a coordinator Bossk was an easy target for both my Aces. Boba was harder to kill but my dice were hot and my opponents dice were cold.

Win 200-59

7th place overall which is alright.

Overall I'm now 21-8 with the list.

After playing nearly 30 games I found out the major problem the list has - consistent damage output. Unfortunately I think I can not solve it if I want to keep the list-archetype. Most of the 2-ship lists out there are dealing consistent damage due to many ways to modifiy dice.
I played lots of games with RAC+Whisper: Vader Crew, RAC ability, Lone Wolf, Juke+Passive Sensors+Fifth Brother are able to take out ships in one round
I tried double Jedi a couple of times: Force is good - who knew?
Kylo can do the same: He can punch really hard with his Torpedo and can arcdodge like crazy. Quickdraw on the other hand is way too much dice dependent (both offensive and defensive). Most of the time she only has one dice modification. So if her dice weren't consistent I lost most of the time. I think she is fairly priced for 69 pts. but she is might not be the right ship for a two ship build...

Edited by Ryuneke

I flew this list for a few months earlier in the year and had a blast with it. I found the same issue with QD's dice, and my main way of managing this became to use a gas cloud for cover on the approach. This allows you to pick up a lock with no intention of using it, which means that QD's first meaningful shot is then likely to be double modded. Alternatively, try to grab the lock and disengage using the rear arc, again not spending the lock even if you blank out, and then come back around to reengage with double mods. Pattern Analyzer makes this a lot easier, allowing you to grab your focus token even when slooping.

I also tended to go hyper aggressive with Quickdraw once her shields were gone, in particular specifically looking to land in the middle of opposing groups of ships to allow me to use the Gunner to throw double taps. Occasionally you whiff on both, but sometimes it can really thin the field for Kylo to clean up. As you rightly identify, Quickdraw's job in this list is to die and take 70+ points with her. I also found it useful to keep a torp on Kylo until the end, because if you're close on points with Kylo left at the end of the game and he has the room to boost into a 4k and let off a torp you've got a very good chance of halving or killing something with the last shot and winning.

Whats about buffing QDs ouput and making IT more reliable as well?

My try: unter… Löschen Staffel laden Neue Staffel New squad saved ×

Kylo + QD ( 192 )

Kylo Ren — TIE/vn-Dämpfer 76
Übernatürliche Reflexe 24
Mustererkennung 5
Protonentorpedos 13
Ship Total: 118
Half Points: 59 Threshold: 3
„Quickdraw“ — TIE/sf Jäger 45
Fanatisch 2
Verbesserte Optik 4
Clusterraketen 5
Bordschütze der Spezialeinheiten 10
Feuerkontrollsystem 2
Nachbrenner 6
Ship Total: 74
Half Points: 37 Threshold: 3
Staffel Order&d=v8ZsZ200Z236X74W206W136WY243X181W186W98W182W113W105&sn=Kylo %2B QD&obs=

Edited by Banjo79
3 hours ago, Banjo79 said:

Whats about buffing QDs ouput and making IT more reliable as well?

My try: unter… Löschen Staffel laden Neue Staffel New squad saved ×

Kylo + QD ( 192 )

Kylo Ren — TIE/vn-Dämpfer 76
Übernatürliche Reflexe 24
Mustererkennung 5
Protonentorpedos 13
Ship Total: 118
Half Points: 59 Threshold: 3
„Quickdraw“ — TIE/sf Jäger 45
Fanatisch 2
Verbesserte Optik 4
Clusterraketen 5
Bordschütze der Spezialeinheiten 10
Feuerkontrollsystem 2
Nachbrenner 6
Ship Total: 74
Half Points: 37 Threshold: 3
Staffel Order&d=v8ZsZ200Z236X74W206W136WY243X181W186W98W182W113W105&sn=Kylo %2B QD&obs=

Thanks for your comment and suggestions. A few comments:

- Pattern Analyzer is the most important upgrade for QD. Imo AO really shines on ships with a two dice gun

- I wouldn’t spend any points on clusters when you have SF gunner on board.

- a 8 point bid isn’t enough

I‘m still flying the list but it really struggles in the current meta:

- a 13 point bid is once again not enough because there are lots of lists outside that can easily bid deeper (Sun Fac, imp. Aces, boba fenn, Guri Fenn)

- QD is bad in the meta right now. Facing 4+ ship lists most of the time and especially sear swarms will leave QD without much chances.

Nevertheless the list is still fun to fly but really struggles compared to other 2 ship lists.

Thanks for this write up. I myself have just started the 2 ship list journey and have had a blast.

Started with the RAC Whisper list by Dalli (uses Jerjerrod).

I have transitioned to RAC Rexler. Not because it’s necessarily better, but because the pair are my favorite ships in the game. 😜


(76) Rear Admiral Chiraneau [VT-49 Decimator]
(14) Darth Vader
(6) Proximity Mines
(2) Skilled Bombardier
(3) Shield Upgrade
(5) Lone Wolf
(4) Dauntless
Points: 110

(81) Rexler Brath [TIE/D Defender]
(0) Jamming Beam
(2) Fire-Control System
(7) Juke
Points: 90

Total points: 200

I'm looking forward to trying kylo/vonreg! I also love that kylo templates/tray! My buddy is the one that "commissioned it" and asked for my opinions as the set was being commissioned. My only other comment is that you need fancier dials for that 2 ship list. Here are mine! (note i'm also super ready for Vonreg with dial/lego)


2 hours ago, brownj23 said:

I'm looking forward to trying kylo/vonreg!

Me too. But I think that he won’t do much better than QD. It comes down to his price point and if you can keep a deeeep bid. Also Fine tuned thrusters won’t let you first boost than barrel roll (only with afterburners) which is a huge downer imo.

1 minute ago, Ryuneke said:

Me too. But I think that he won’t do much better than QD. It comes down to his price point and if you can keep a deeeep bid. Also Fine tuned thrusters won’t let you first boost than barrel roll (only with afterburners) which is a huge downer imo.

Depends on cost/slots for sure. vonreg with lw and burners could be a good replacement.

On 11/27/2019 at 9:17 PM, brownj23 said:

Depends on cost/slots for sure. vonreg with lw and burners could be a good replacement.

I want to try him as well and can't wait for it.

I haven't played my beloved list for a while and it's haunting me.

So I tweaked the original list trying to adept to the (german) meta, where I encountered lots of ships with a huge amount of hitpoints lately.

Kylo Ren (76)
Supernatural Reflexes (24)
Primed Thrusters (9)
Plasma Torpedoes (9)

“Quickdraw” (45)
Lone Wolf (5)
Pattern Analyzer (5)
Special Forces Gunner (10)
Fire-Control System (2)
Afterburners (6)
Total: 191

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I already talked about QD's weakness. So I gave her Lone Wolf for a bit more offensive and defensive flexibility. It's the only upgrade I can think of, that'll really help her through the entire game.

No more Proton Torpedos on Kylo. Plasmas will do as well due to the meta around here. This saves 4 points which gets invested immediately to upgrade Pattern Analyzer to Primed Thrusters. With Thrusters Kylo can use Supernatural Reflexes even while he's stressed which gives him the most flexibility when it comes to maneuvering. "Panicked Pilot" (this crit cost me a game) is not as bad anymore and Kylo finally has the option to use Autothrusters after his maneuver without sacrificing much.

Tweaking the list like that "only" gives me a 9 point bid. I won't consider that a problem because I never ecountered a deeper bid than 5 in the last months I played in my local meta.

I'm looking forward trying out this build tomorrow. Battle Report will follow!

Edited by Ryuneke

I can't wait for vonreg.

Great reports, cool list.

Even 3 ace lists have an issue with not enough damage. Same true for 2 ship lists. They have certain matchups which are literally quite uphill. Vs other aces you'll not see it as a problem... but then you face non-ace lists and you'll have trouble taking enough off the board.

Take the 39 hp Sinker Swarm for instance.

It's time for another Battle Report. After making some changes to the list, it was time to try it out. Unfortunately I played against Kylos Nemesis, his own father Han. My buddy is flying a super dodgy Han with Seasoned Navigator and Nien Nunb, wheras Kylo can't do anything against him in the late game.

Round 1


I placed Kylo behind the Cloud so that he'll be protected at the beginning. QD has the flank as usual. My gameplan is to kill Han without losing Kylo.

Round 2


I turned Kylo away from Han but still present him as bait. QD turned in a bit to threaten the centre of the board.

Round 3


Kylo is still on the run while QD is getting really aggressive. You can really suprise people with the Sf's 5 straight.

I actually wanted QD in the centre of the board so she can use the Gas Clouds as cover or to disengage more easily. She's now also in a spot where Han isn't a big threat for her.

Nevertheless the first shots gets fired: QD lost a single shield while Luke suffered two damage. (Unfortunately he has R2D2 regen :( )

Round 4


QD is doing a segnors loop while Kylo turns in. He dodges all the attacks and strips the first shields from Han in return. With Pattern Analyzer QD has a double modded shot into Luke but dice only showing one crit - no problem for the Jedi.

Round 5


I don't want to put Kylo in a dangerous position early on so he disengaged. Luke is flying a 4k and uses Afterburners to go all in at QD. Here I did a mistake. I turned QD in facing both Han and Luke without being able to dodge. The 3 straight+Afterburners away+focus/rotate would have been the perfect move to keep QD safe because Hans arc is pointing forward. She would have been in a perfect position for the next round and can deal out damage without getting shot. Unfortunately thats not what I did. QD drops down to 1 Hull, Luke as well.

Round 6


Not shots this time. QD segnor sloops again and barely gets out of Hans arc. Luke is running away to regen shields.

Round 7


Comparing this picture with the last one you can see how far Kylo can get with Supernatural Reflexes. Both Kylo and QD are dodging Hans arc. Han is taking a couple of damage cards.

Round 8


I had a hard time figuring out what to do with my 2 ships. I turned Kylo away because I don't want to put him in a risky spot. QD could either turn in or away. With Luke being no threat at all and Hans arc still facing forward I dialed in a 1 turn to the right which landed on the Cloud. With Pattern Analyzer QD still got her action: She dodges Hans arc and deals out more damage.

Round 9


Luke has Heightened Perception so QD has no chance at all surving a head to head engagement. So she 3 straight over the Cloud and uses her last Afterburners charge to dodge Lukes arc. Lone Wolf saved her in the end.

Round 10


Kylo gets back into the fight but missed Luke by a millimeter. I dialed in a 1 straight for QD because it was the only move against Luke couldn't do much. Luke lost both shields (AGAIN!!).

Round 11


It took us 11 rounds to actually kill something. QD haven't had a choice but to turn in. Luckily she survived Lukes Ini7 shot (thanks Lone Wolf!) why she was able to deal more damage into Han. The Smuggler finally finishes her off. Kylo is taking his revenge by killing his former master.

A full health Kylo against Han with 4 remaining hitpoints. Kylo might get one more shot into Han. After that it's nearly impossible to get him. This particular Han is the strongest endgame ship I know, especially if he's moving last.

Round 12 & 13


Kylo should just run away, I know. However, I tried my best to get a shot - without success.


It gets even worse: In round 13 Kylo blanked making him lose both shields.

Round 14


Kylo finally got his shot for 2 more damage into Han. He evaded a bad roll in return.

Round 15

The last round. I forgot taking a picture. Kylo disengaged, moved behind a cloud and dodged the last attack, which won me the game.


What a game! The most fun I had for in X-Wing for a couple of weeks.

The way I tweaked the list felt really good and satisfying:

- Lone Wolf did lots of work for QD.

- Primed Thrusters changes Kylo dramatically. Being able to use SR every single turn without sacrifycing much is big.

- I didn't shoot a single Plasma Torpedo...

Unfortunatly one single mistake nearly cost me the game. But isn't that the best part about it?

Until next time!

After a couple of months not playing this list, Kylo is back in buisness. In my local community everyone is playing and talking about Hyperspace so I was really happy to play at an extended tournament. Due to the size of the store only 6 players were there.

With the new meta developing and the recent points update I went back to the drawing board to do some changes.

Kylo Ren (76)
Supernatural Reflexes (24)
Primed Thrusters (9)
Adv. Proton Torpedoes (6)

“Quickdraw” (45)
Fanatical (2)
Pattern Analyzer (5)
Special Forces Gunner (10)
Fire-Control System (2)
Afterburners (6)
Total: 185

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I dropped Plasma Torpedoes from Kylo because they didn't do enough for me to justify 9 points. I put Adv. Protons onto him for a r1 hammer attack (4,3 hits with a lock and one force). The tricky part (as usual) is QD. I never used Fanatical in this two ship build so I gave it a try. Lone Wolf is too expensive because I want to bid as deep as possible. I also played around with Proud Tradition and Deuterium Power Cells but wasn't happy with it. Pattern Analyzer is better than Proud Trad. and there is no other tech upgrade that comes to my mind instead. Deuterium P.C. is nice but no Afterburners is bad.

Game 1 against Plo, Obi, Wolffe, Broadside

I good matchup because both of my ships are moving last. Broadside Ion Cannon was the main thread here so I attacked him first. I threw Kylo in pretty aggressive and messed up his formation. Kylo's Adv. Proton Torp dealt 5 damage and QD finished the Y-Wing off one round later. QD decided to blank twice and died to Obi-Wan. The Supreme Leader took his revenge and killed Obi. Plo and the Arc were no match for Kylo. 200-70


Game 2 against 8 Tie/fo's

OMG! 2 ships against 8. That'll be an uphill battle right from the start. My gameplan was to kill at least 2 Tie's and half one or two before QD dies. He placed all of his Tie's togehter and split them a bit later on. QD had to do damage in this game otherwise I'll lose it. So I played Kylo super aggressive and approached the swarm. This confused the swarm and he had to brake his formation. Kylo only lost two shields and halfed two Tie's. QD came in and dealt damage as well. The sf Pilot was able to use her ability twice with good effect. Fanatical triggered 3 times. As QD died 3 Ties were destroyed and 2 were already damaged. The remaining Ties had a hard time keeping up with Kylo. If shots came in they were unmodified most of the time, so no problem for the Supreme Leader. As Ties got seperated from each other Kylo destroyed two more. The game went to time. 125 - 70 I played the best X-Wing I have ever played without a single mistake while my dice didn't fail me. Playing against this list again will most likely result in a loss.


Game 3 against Soontir and 4 Interceptors

That game showed me how fragile a two ace build is. I hardly overcommitted with QD while Kylo wasn't part of the battle at all. QD died and Kylo faced 5 nearly fully operational ships. I tried my best but wasn't able to pull it off. 87 - 200


I was happy with my overall performance. I screwed up only once, still could fly better and most importantly I know what I did wrong.

Will try Vonreg as a wingmate next time. But I don't think he's better than QD in this archetype.

Edited by Ryuneke