The intention of this thread is to post Battlereports of my favourite X-Wing list of all time: Kylo Ren + Quickdraw.
Thanks to PhilGC who showed me the beauty of flying 2 ship lists.
Lets start with the list (Updated 12.12.2019):
Kylo Ren (76)
Supernatural Reflexes (24)
Pattern Analyzer (5)
Proton Torpedoes (13)
Plasma Torpedos (9)
Primed Thrusters (9)
“Quickdraw” (45)
Crack Shot (1)
Lone Wolf (5)
Pattern Analyzer (5)
Special Forces Gunner (10)
Fire-Control System (2)
Afterburners (6)
Total: 191
View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0
This Kylo is an absolute monster and a pain to track down for most opponents. The key to success is Quickdraw: Her job is to kill enough so Kylo can cleanup the rest of the board. Flying her is way more difficult than flying Kylo. Winning or losing depends on what you're doing with Quickdraw.
Flying these 2 Aces is an absolute blast: Every decision counts, make a mistake and you'll get punished for it, enjoy winning like never before.
Game 1
My opponent played a pretty tanky list fielding 2 Kimogilas and Sol Sixxa with lots of Bombs and Torpedos. This list is also able to ionize ships in range 1 with a nice combo between 4-LOM and Static Discharge Vanes. You really don't want to be at range 1 of Sol Sixxa.
I put Kylo on the opposite site of the enemy ships. With Supernatural he can adapt to the maneuvers pretty good to either stay on target or to disengage. After disengaging I turned Kylo in again with lots of options for the upcoming round.
My opponent took the bait and turned in towards Kylo. With the two rocks blocking most of the maneuvers towards Quickdraw, she was able to turn in.
Kylo supernatural boosted to the right followed by a talon roll. Thanks to Pattern Analyzer he locked one of the Kimos and fired his first Torpedo salvo into the ship. The seismic bomb destroyed the rock dealing 1 point of damage to both Kimos.
Quickdraw disengaged and used Afterburners to dodge Sol Sixxas arc. Both Kylo and Quickdraw dealt some damage to Sol Sixxa this turn.
Here I did a huge mistake which will result in the death of Quickdraw later on. I was too greedy killing the Kimogila on the right so I turned her in with a 2 turn getting shot from both the Kimogila and Sol Sixxa. Quickdraw lost all of her shields without triggering her ability at all. Dialing in a 3 bank would have been much better to avoide every single shot and still getting rid of the Kimogila.
Because of my mistake Quickdraw couldn't disengage so I turned her in again to do as much damage to Sol Sixxa as possible. She boosted in range 1 to him, dodged the Kimos arc but suffered 2 damage and became ionized. With only 1 hull remaining Quickdraws days were numbered. Meanwhile Kylo did more damage
This shows exactly how one mistake with this list can possible change the outcome of the game. Nevertheless Quickdraw did her job: Both enemy ships had only 3 hull left.
Kylo did what he can do best.
The Kimo k-turned again using Contraband. With Supernatural Reflexes Kylo was able to get a range 1 shot finishing off the Cartel Executioner. With this ship gone, my opponent conceded.
This game showed the potential as well as the weakness of the list. Quickdraw is the most important piece to provide a good endgame situation for Kylo. With only 2 green dice she can die so fast if you put her in the wrong spot.
Having those tough decisions every turn is a thrill I don't want to miss in X-Wing.
Edited by Ryuneke