Glyphs in SoB

By oshfarms, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

It seems I have seen on this forum (or on BBG) that people were saying in RtL that it did not cost two movement points to activate a glyph. Is this a different rule than in SoB? In SoB I see nothing that says it costs no movement to activate a glyph, only that the way a glyph is used is different. Thoughts?

It doesn't cost 2 movement points to activate a glyph in any version of Descent. Glyphs activate automatically when a hero enters the square, automatically, for free. Even if you don't want them to , in fact. Though there was another thread not too long ago where someone thought (incorrectly) that it cost 2 movement points to activate a glyph.

In normal Descent, using a glyph to teleport to or from town costs 1 movement point (and you can only make one such teleportation per turn); you can do it at any point during your turn, and can do other stuff( such as attacking, placing orders, or performing movement actions) before, or after, or both. In the extended campaign, I believe you can only teleport to town if you begin your turn on or adjacent to an active glyph, and doing so prevents you from taking any actions at all while in the dungeon (that turn).

I think the problem came from a cheat sheet on BGG. It lists activating glyphs as 2 MP. Thanks for the correct info, I'll make sure and let my players know. . . Though they may still think I've been cheating! demonio.gif

One could argue that it does cost 2 movement points. In vanilla Descent, it will cost you one Movement point to enter the space containing an unactivated glyph, and then the glyph flips. It then costs you another movement point to use the glyph to go to town.

Sorry, I am being silly now. I had to say it :)

oshfarms said:

I think the problem came from a cheat sheet on BGG. It lists activating glyphs as 2 MP.

Ahhh, the mystery is solved....