Query - Phase II Clone Replacement Helmets

By Kwatchi, in Painting

Cards on the table - I don't like the look of the Phase I clone helmets one bit. It is an irrational dislike and I admit it. Maybe it is a psychosomatic condition brought on by having purchased a full price theater ticket and sat through the horrendous dialogue/acting mess that is Episode II. Who knows? Thanks to the Clone Wars animated series, I at least don't spontaneously wretch at hearing the word "Anakin" anymore.

Having compared photos of the upcoming FFG phase I and phase II clone minis, it looks like the only noticeable difference in appearance is their helmets. Their armour design is similar enough. So for me, an after-market set of replacement helms would be ideal. Problem of course is there are none out there. Understandable as TCW Legion has not yet been released but boo-urns all the same.

So I am wondering if anyone has seen any or has intentions of creating any? I'd appreciate any help available.

Edited by Kwatchi

I'd check out skullforge miniatures, I'm pretty sure you can find Phase II clone heads there. I imagine it will take some careful modelling to make them fit however, given the phase I clones are soft plastic like all legion kits have been until B1s, so the head comes attached to the body.