Cards on the table - I don't like the look of the Phase I clone helmets one bit. It is an irrational dislike and I admit it. Maybe it is a psychosomatic condition brought on by having purchased a full price theater ticket and sat through the horrendous dialogue/acting mess that is Episode II. Who knows? Thanks to the Clone Wars animated series, I at least don't spontaneously wretch at hearing the word "Anakin" anymore.
Having compared photos of the upcoming FFG phase I and phase II clone minis, it looks like the only noticeable difference in appearance is their helmets. Their armour design is similar enough. So for me, an after-market set of replacement helms would be ideal. Problem of course is there are none out there. Understandable as TCW Legion has not yet been released but boo-urns all the same.
So I am wondering if anyone has seen any or has intentions of creating any? I'd appreciate any help available.
Edited by Kwatchirun-on-sentence