
By Willdnd, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

we were playing a few quests and came to a hold with a few quest.

we discovert that a few quests were very hard vor a low party.

so we took a random quest from a guide and started at lv 4.

stil this was hard word for the heroes.

my question is

how do you see what the appropiate lv is for a quest.

we know that if ya play quest 1 trough 9, you'll lv from 1 to 5

but in quest copmandium this is not the thing, still how do you know what lv is the best lv to start at a quest .

If you're referring to the basic campaign rules printed on the quest guide, most people don't use them at all. They strike me as tacked-on and generally ill-considered, and others have expressed similar sentiments...and they were optional to begin with, so we ignore them.

Which basically means that most people keep all heroes at level 1, all the time, on every single quest.

Even if you use them, though, those rules also give the overlord a starting advantage that's supposed to cancel out the heroes' level and make the quest equally hard no matter what level you start at. I have seriously doubts about whether that works, but there's no reason to assume that high-level heroes are more likely to win; I suspect in some quests, being higher-level is actually a liability.

thx again.

i saw a whole lot of problems with that lv system.

the Overlord has the most advantage all the time if you started at higher levels.

to me the sounded more like a degree of difficulty.

yet again this solves a lot of issues, thx again