few game questions

By Willdnd, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

hey i got a few game questions

we came across a few things in play that were .............. unclear to us


abilities as Stun, Bleed, Wb, Poison, exz exz

so far we know if we read them right, always do 1 damage ignoring armor, and then normal damage with armor??


Ignore armor?

an armor has no armor value but is has an ability that says rol a power dice on a black CANCEL 1 wound, does the effect ignore this ability or not?

Willdnd said:


abilities as Stun, Bleed, Wb, Poison, exz exz

so far we know if we read them right, always do 1 damage ignoring armor, and then normal damage with armor??

No, you're confusing the wording of "if it causes one damage". What it means is if the attack doesn't miss (i.e. no X is rolled and there's enough Range for Ranged/Magic attacks), then the target receives the effect token, even if the target had enough armor to deflect all the damage. So, uber tough Nanok is hit by a spider, Bah! He suffers no wounds from the attack! He's NANOK! Oh no, there's webs? He still receives a Web token and may not move next turn.

Willdnd said:


Ignore armor?

an armor has no armor value but is has an ability that says rol a power dice on a black CANCEL 1 wound, does the effect ignore this ability or not?

This one is a little trickier as it's not spelled out super clear in the rules. We play that "ignores armor" only applies to the armor value listed. So if a hero has 4 armor, then that 4 armor is ignored. If he also has an ability to cancel wounds, that ability is NOT ignored, even if it was part of the armor in question.


The word "armor" has two different meanings in Descent: it's a stat that's subtracted from the damage you receive, and it's also a category of item. When something "ignores armor", that means the first definition; it therefore ignores the hero's base armor, as well as any "+X armor" effects the hero has from any equipped items or skills, but doesn't ignore other effects, whether they come from "armor"-type items or not.

For example, the Cloak of Deception is an "armor" item that gives you +1 armor and cancels wounds on a blank; if you receive damage that "ignores armor", the "+1 armor" effect is negated, but you can still roll black dice and cancel wounds on a blank. As another example, the Ring of Protection is an "other" item (not an armor) that gives you +1 armor; that is also ignored by damage that "ignores armor", because it's a bonus to armor, even though the item that supplies the bonus isn't an "armor" item.

This was officially clarified a long time ago on the old forums (or so people say), but if you think through the different options, it's also really the only reasonable possibility. If damage ignored armor items but not a hero's base armor, then heroes with high base armor could jump into pits without suffering damage and would be very difficult to harm with traps; that doesn't make much sense. And if the authors were deliberately using both definitions of a multiply-defined word simultaneously , I can only imagine they were sadists deliberately trying to confuse us. So reading "ignores armor" as meaning the armor stat, but not armor items, is definitely the best option.

hey thx ppl

this realy solves some issues around the table.