We are driving our separate local "continuity program" in my play area (about 15 players) where we have taken an approach similar to @DerBaer and his crew. Our focus has been to build a meta using deployment re-cost only and our experience has been very positive.
We did out post summer-review during this weekend and one of our major findings was that with our cost reductions activation counts has gone up, not by horrible amounts but still one or two acts, gut feeling, on average.
From our discussions, we sort of landed on that the ideal activation count for tournament play is 5-6 acts. Enough to have a more tactical view but not so that the board becomes bloated. What is your gut reaction to that statement?
Our next experiment will be to increase the cost of our units with 20-25% since our cost adaptations were more or less to set the costs of each figure to match power level of spectre cell.
Edited by Ram