Hello all!
Long story short, I'm playing an Utaku Battle Maiden and I recently realized I've focused my entire build on the wrong ring. I'm new to this game (and type of roleplay), and I kind of went about it haphazardly, not checking at all to see what kind of skills I would be getting from my curriculum. My idea was to make her centered around recovery and mobility to complement her heroic ability, so I foolishly upped my Water ring to 3, left all the rest at 2 and my Void ring at 1. My advantages and passion were also picked with that idea in mind --
Bishamon's Blessing, Travel
Paragon of Bushido: Compassion
. The more I think about it now, the more I realize I've fundamentally misunderstood my school and this is a serious handicap. What do you think?
Thank you!