The next Great Forum game! A Galaxy Divided!

By clontroper5, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

Here is a thread for more discussion on what the next game will be.

I intend on modding it, or at least assisting in reworking the rules. I have been working on the new combat system and am very happy with it right now.

Ok GCW it is!

Edited by clontroper5

I made this quickly so please ping anyone else that you think of that may be interested in this

I like the suggestion of age of sail as well. . . I could try to help with Halo stuff, but I am not sure how much use I would be. . .


May also be interested. A user named something like Mandalorian Moose also participated in some campaign games a while back, but I can't find his tag right now. . .

I think that you'll get more longevity on a Star Wars forum from playing a Star Wars game.

That said "Trek yourself before you wreck yourself."

I can help with Halo lore/naming/units.

Spartan games, which I think went under, made a tabletop game set in the Halo universe not entirely dissimilar from Armada. That would be a great starting place for units and stats. Game is called Halo Fleet Battles

I have a passable knowledge of Halo lore.

I played Halo when it first came out.

Yes, I am that old.

Combat system? Sounds hella interesting

I got tagged.... is this an *armada based* game? A text based forum game? Not that I'm disinterested but I am not sure what's going on 😂

1 hour ago, BrobaFett said:

I got tagged.... is this an *armada based* game? A text based forum game? Not that I'm disinterested but I am not sure what's going on 😂

1 hour ago, Visovics said:

Combat system? Sounds hella interesting

Welcome! Yes we have been doing a turn based strategy forum game. The current one (Republic at War) is wrapping up soon and I intend on modding a new one.

Here's the last game thread for refrence:

My version will feature a reworked combat system involving attack dice and HP, instead of the current system which is a single roll which determines outcomes of battles.

I am also going to see if I can't make a few other minor improvements along the way as well.

OK I'm going to call for a vote to determine which Era I will use let me know if your interested at all (the full modified rules should done in a few days and the game will be starting in a week or 2 depending on sign ups)

Please leave a comment with #vote and your chosen era, along with any thoughts or suggestions you have.

Options are:

1)Galactic Civil War(Ltd, Bertie, Jabba)

2) Clone Wars

3)Halo (Forty)

4)Star trek

5) 18th century age of sail

6) other idea? (Ling [valkryia])

7) I don't care but I want to play. (Gnips, npmartian)

If there is 2 with a similar amount of votes we will have a vote off between those 2.

@The Jabbawookie




@Bertie Wooster





@Lord Preyer

@Darth Veggie




Edited by clontroper5

What is it with people not understanding preferential voting? Why is “first past the post” still standard?


#vote galactic civil war

Edited by LTD




6 Valkryia Chronicles themed Rommel like game?


9 hours ago, LTD said:

I played Halo when it first came out.

Yes, I am that old.

That's our measure of old these days? Uh oh.

#vote halo

#vote 7

#vote 7

8 hours ago, BrobaFett said:

I got tagged.... is this an *armada based* game? A text based forum game? Not that I'm disinterested but I am not sure what's going on 😂

I explained it to my wife as "Risk with spaceships." It's more similar to Twilight Imperium, if you've played that.

Everyone starts the game with planets (and ships/squadrons). Those planets give you credits every turn. Credits can build ships, squadrons, or ground forces (infantry in Risk). Like Risk, you want your ground forces to go from your planets to other planets so that you can invade them, but the twist is that you need to carry ground forces (and squadrons, if you have them) on ships. Risk rules are used for ground invasions. If your ships encounter an enemy's ships, space combat happens.

#vote GCW

#vote GCW

How would people feel about getting a mafia game in first?

I told @Madaghmire I’d ping him.

@EbonHawk @Lord Preyer your thoughts on this?

24 minutes ago, The Jabbawookie said:

How would people feel about getting a mafia game in first?

I told @Madaghmire I’d ping him.

@EbonHawk @Lord Preyer your thoughts on this?

I would be fine with that idea, this would give me a little extra time to make sure everything is balanced well.

Up to you guys though

29 minutes ago, The Jabbawookie said:

How would people feel about getting a mafia game in first?

I told @Madaghmire I’d ping him.

@EbonHawk @Lord Preyer your thoughts on this?

I'd prefer to do Mafia first. I'm getting spreadsheet fatigue.

Mafia! Mafia! Mafia!