I did a thing! No idea if anyone cares about this, but it fixes something that bothered me (well, at least in an Archon-setting). KeyForge international tournaments are awesome, but the procedure for sharing decklists when players don't know each others languages (have them scan your deck and look at the list on their phone) is a bit clunky and relies on being online. This web-tool generates a PDF with your decklist in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, and Portuguese. Please tell me if I missed a printed language with latin characters, chinese characters are a bit of an issue so they won't be available for a while.
Just paste your decks master vault link or deck code and click go. A PDF file that you can print out and use to supplement your deck card will be generated for you.
Code: https://github.com/admiraldeathrain/KFTranslator
Edited by Admiral DeathrainMore accurate title