Hi, I am new to CoC, and I am loving it so far. Anyway I couldn't find an answer in the rules, faq, or postings, so here is my question.
Is the active player considered to be the one who is resolving the story, or are both players or no players actually resolving it?
This seems important when considering Thomas F. Malone's ability which is:
After resolving a story to which Thomas
F. Malone is committed, choose and destroy an
opponent's Villainous or Cultist character that was
committed to that story.
Since only the controller of the card can use the ability, the wording makes it sound as if the controller is the one resolving the story. This leads me to believe that you can only use this particular ability if you are the active player. Am I correct, or can this character's ability be played on any player's turn?
Thank you.