So one of the objectives coming with RitR is soooo good paired with an Interdictor fielding GX-7 grav wells that it is sort of hard to imagine that combo not picking up steam (specifically 'Surprise Attack'). And any of the standard Demolisher builds LOOOOVE Hyperspace Assault - Demo appearing behind the enemy fleet can do some work!
As a start, that eats up 167 pts (although generally people seem keen to have ET and Versio on the Glad consuming another 14 pts), leaving you two questions:
- How to use the remaining 233 pts (including the commander to pair with it)? Assume a build to 400, here, as we are shooting for a 2nd-player game, and the Glad alone suggests heavily you'll never be given 1st-player.
- What the heck blue objective to pick , given the yellow and red are so dangerous to the 1st player with this start of a list that you are basically always playing your blue?
I've been leaning towards Screed, and much of the rest of the list DCap+HIE raiders, as going MSU with a Glad guarantees you 2nd player (being able to reliably last/first with the Gladiator can kill quite a lot of points, and your opponent knows that). But I'm stumped on the blue. With an MSU-esque fleet, adding Grav Shift Reroute to the Interdictor and taking Salvage Run seems the obvious/safe/boring choice - but it's quite a step down in threat level to the other objectives. Is there a blue that is a better fit...?