First Round Question

By Alucardz23, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions


i dont know whether me and my friends r playing it wrong so i just want to clarify certain bits. can you tell if any of the following things that is happening, if there is anything wrong being done. coz I was out of my zone with lack of sleep, i felt something felt wrong or it was just my lack of sleep playing tricks on me.

Rebel heroes in this mission are Gideon, CT-1701, Tress and Saska

so this is what happened in a recent mission. it is the start of mission and the first round itself. Gideon does Command and give CT-1701 to do an attack on an Imperial figure. CT-1701 does an attack and after he resolves an attack he exhausts his "Wildfire" card to do a free Barrage. and because this since CT-1701 has his "Strafing Run" he gains two movement and moves 2 spaces. and then Gideon uses his "Masterstroke" card to make Tress to do a move.

when he exhausted his "Wildfire" card to do the free Barrage, i thought it was limit once per activation and it wasnt his turn, since he wasnt his activation. I said that and then the response was that it was Gideon's activation so it is limited once during his activation. and then i remember when i was asked before regarding J4X-7's limit once per activation i believe i got the answer from the forum

then is imperial activation. after that is the Rebel's activation

then CT-1701 activates and readies his "Wildfire" card. He then shoots at an Imperial figure using his first action and then uses Barrage on an Imperial Figure and shoots it. And then on his second action he attacks again and then uses his "Wildfire" card and then does another attack.

I know that Rebel heroes gets their card readied at their activation. But is it only getting readied after a status phase?

and then because of "Strafing Run" he gain 2 movement to move 2 spaces.

also another question is can you use "Wildfire" out of your activation? even though Gideon gives a Command to let you do an attack.

Edited by Alucardz23

Yes, heroes ready their exhausted cards at the start of their activations, so they can get one extra use during the first round if they get to use the ability before their activation.

Yes, both Barrage and Wildfire apply to any ranged attack, limit once per activation. Any activation. (There is no "during your activation" limit either.)

Edited by a1bert

Cool. Tks. Must have been the lack of sleep making me think too many thoughts.