B-Wing list for casual play

By Stefan, in Star Wars: Armada Fleet Builds

2 hours ago, Stefan said:

Thanks! Two more:

1) Why no FCT on Yavaris? The spot's there.

2) Just so I get the mechanic right: I activate the HMC80. I have a squadron command. I shoot, then move, then move the squadrons 1, then activate all those squadrons?

1) FCT can't affect any squad you want to double tap, which severely limits the number of recipients. Therefore it's often a bad option for Yavaris. You can but you really shouldn't .

2) Under ideal conditions yes. But sometimes you are going to want to poor those squadrons into the target arc before shooting. As adding four black and four blue dice before your shot can sometimes swing the battle rather than after the shot. Nym especially with the blue crit to toss defense tokens can be really ruin the day of your target.

19 hours ago, Stefan said:

Thanks! Two more:

1) Why no FCT on Yavaris? The spot's there.

2) Just so I get the mechanic right: I activate the HMC80. I have a squadron command. I shoot, then move, then move the squadrons 1, then activate all those squadrons?

1) " Icon Command Squadron : Each squadron you activate can attack twice if it does not move during your activation ."

2) Ok so Turn 1.

  • MC80: Bank Squadron Token
  • Yavaris: Bank Nav Token
  • GR75 BCC: Bank Nav Token
  • GR75 Comms: Send Squadron Token to Yavaris

My Ships are usually speed 2 entry, this turn is positioning to intercept your main target, MC80 when it moves and either shove Biggs, Jan and 2 X-Wings or shove Nym and 3 Scurrgs distance 1 after it moves. It lets you get a bit more travel distance as a total for the turn if needed. You chose which group depending on how your opponent deploys his squads. You use the squadron phase to position all your squads to be combat effective for turn 2. You want your bombers in a position relative to their target based on targets set speed for interception with + or - distance 1 of where the ship will be, because you you the MC80 to FCT them that distance 1 so they dont need to move when you activate them with Yavaris on Turn 2.

Turn 2 you want to put the hammer down, as Yavaris is holding a Nav and Squadron token. You activate the MC80 with squadron command, command Nym to attack the main target and re-roll that blue until you get a crit with BCC and Toryn Farr, with Large ships destroy the first redirect, untap Nym with Adar Talon, then use the last 3 activation to position Biggs, and an X-Wing and Jan to tar pit the enemy squads and engage and use your squadron token to get the last X-Wing into the fight as well, then shoot the main target with your broadside, move to FCT the remaining Scurrgs in range to attack if you plotted your intercept path correctly. Second activation is Yavaris, if you need speed 3 to be in activation range of the squads, spend the Navigation token, because of Flight Commander you may resolve your squadron activation after moving, so shoot, move, then activate Nym for two attacks, same as before fish for the blue crits, large ships destroy the second redirect and then the contain (brace does little impact to bombers), then activate a Scurrg for two attacks, then spend squadron token to do a third Scurrg for two attacks, when you land your crits, with Dodonna fish for Structural Damage cards, if not in the stack of 4, go for the most debilitating option available. Third activation GR75 BCC: activate last remaining Scurrg to attack main target if it is not dead yet. Fourth activation GR75 Comms: if the Yavaris is going to survive another turn, transfer it a squadron token, if not give it to the MC80.

I have 100 to 0 ISD 2's with Brunson and Interdictor support with this combo just to give you an idea of the potential damage that can be output turn 2.

Also the bid is very important, being able to go turn 2 lets you see what your opponent does, and on turn one use your GR75's to bait out enemy activations and see where they go. You opponent will never pick Precision Strike Objective against you unless they want to lose by a 400 point MOV, they generally wont pick Fighter Ambush Objective as it makes it really easy for you to setup intercept paths for your target and they have less pre-setup distance to travel and also makes it easy for your X-Wings to intercept enemy squads, also again they dont want you getting easy objective tokens. Superior Positions Objective gets picked most of the time and lets you counter their deployment setup, also you can gain objective tokens for rear arc damage.

Hope this was helpful.

Edited by grunnax93

You could drop 1-2 B-Wings and be fine, use those extra points to add ECM or EWS to the MC80, the Pelta is kinda squishy and then the focus will be your flagship once she's gone.

You won't need FC with Boosted Comms, you could try to fit Raymus or Adar or Strategic Advisor.