Just an Imperial Star Destroyer Rising from the Ocean

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in Star Wars: Armada



Dead men tell no tales


Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

Oh, is that what FFG means when stuff fell off the boat?

Reminds me of the 2nd trek reboot film when they pointlessly hid the enterprise underwater for no fricking reason whatsoever. Rather than, you know, in orbit where a starship belongs! Ergh, terrible.

Cool ISD image tho.

10 minutes ago, ISD Avenger said:

Reminds me of the 2nd trek reboot film when they pointlessly hid the enterprise underwater for no fricking reason whatsoever. Rather than, you know, in orbit where a starship belongs! Ergh, terrible.

Cool ISD image tho.

I mean... to be fair. I would be looking for a star ship, in orbit.

Not in the ocean.




Ah so that's why Imperial ships always look so clean?!

3 minutes ago, Zamalekite said:

Ah so that's why Imperial ships always look so clean?!

This is actually a depiction of the annual Imperial Star Destroyer Wash, which the empire used as a fundraiser to pay for new uniforms.

6 hours ago, ISD Avenger said:

Reminds me of the 2nd trek reboot film when they pointlessly hid the enterprise underwater for no fricking reason whatsoever. Rather than, you know, in orbit where a starship belongs! Ergh, terrible.

Cool ISD image tho.

2 hours ago, Zamalekite said:

Ah so that's why Imperial ships always look so clean?!

Cleanliness is next to Imperialness.

Is this what the Rebels mean when they say Imperials are all washed up? 😊

The physics of a craft that size coming out of the water 🤔 ..... doubt if the sea would be that calm as the water rushes into the vacum /space that the hull has just vacated.

Still a cool picture though


On 8/19/2019 at 11:53 AM, Frimmel said:


Hey, you're the one who calls them 'boats', cap.

1 minute ago, FourDogsInaHorseSuit said:

Hey, you're the one who calls them 'boats', cap.

Do you think it floats? What's the displacement of a Star Destroyer?

14 minutes ago, Frimmel said:

Do you think it floats? What's the displacement of a Star Destroyer?

It weighs at LEAST 100 million kilograms. If you look at the ship and consider that cruise liners are fairly boxy, we can approximate its volume as 360 x 55 x 60 = 1.188 million cubic meters. Hence the Imperial Star Destroyer is approximately 44.8 times the volume of the Allure of the Seas .

20 minutes ago, Frimmel said:

Do you think it floats? What's the displacement of a Star Destroyer?

The shields repel the water.

On 8/19/2019 at 7:10 AM, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:



Dead men tell no tales

It's very nice, did you make this?

Very impressive artwork. Pretty artwork.

Impressive and pretty artwork depicting something really, really, really stupid.

It it has been compared the the Enterprise in the ocean in Into Darkness. Both were really, really, really stupid things. But I do applaud the passion and skill needed for that art

Edited by Church14

Imagine watching JJ's Star Trek: Into Darkness with the Enterprise hiding underwater until it resurfaces and thinking to yourself "man, Star Wars needs this too!"

51 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

It weighs at LEAST 100 million kilograms. If you look at the ship and consider that cruise liners are fairly boxy, we can approximate its volume as 360 x 55 x 60 = 1.188 million cubic meters. Hence the Imperial Star Destroyer is approximately 44.8 times the volume of the Allure of the Seas .

Would it float?


1 hour ago, Lord Tareq said:

It's very nice, did you make this?

I don’t have the skill set to even open a can of paint, digital or old school. If I had the artists’ names I would post them (as I do when I post art). I was in a discussion about sea and under sea combat on the Legion boards and thought of art to help my position.

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun
16 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Anyone knows where's this is from? The paint scheme for the lambda looks intriguing and i wonder if it has some history

19 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:
