Fort Collins Hyperspace Trial September 14!

By Kyle Ren, in X-Wing Organized Play

Hey everyone! Just in case you're looking for a tournament in the Colorado/Wyoming area and not on Facebook I thought I'd share here!

This hyperspace trial is going to be on September 14th at 9:30 am with top cut on the 15th. Sign up here:

Location here: (scroll to bottom of site)

I am not the TO, just sharing here. I made a totally unofficial mat, not paid for or endorsed by the store, and anyone who wants one the day of can have one, they're $60. Just PM me if you're interested, preferably sooner rather than later so there's time to get them printed. (actual mat higher res than this preview, just didn't want to kill people on data plans)


I'm nowhere near this event, but that mat is beautiful.