Krennic list ideas.

By Susanooo, in Army Building

Ive been playing a lot with Krennic and did 2-1 on recent tournament with this list

Legion HQ

Title: Krennic tank bossk
Faction: empire
Mode: standard

- Director Krennic (90) = 90
- Bossk (115) = 115
- Stormtroopers (44) + DLT-19 Stormtrooper (24) = 68
- Snowtroopers (48) + Flametrooper (20) = 68
- Stormtroopers (44) = 44
Special Forces:
- 2x Imperial Death Troopers (76) + DLT-19D (34) + E-11D Grenade Launcher Config (8) = 236
- Assault Tank (155) + Imperial Hammers Elite Armor Pilot (10) + RT-97C Rifle Pintle (14) = 179

Total: 800/800


- Voracious Ambition (1)
- Merciless Munitions (1)
- Deploy the Garrison (2)
- Reptilian Rampage (2)
- Lying in Wait (3)
- Annihilation Looms (3)
- Standing Orders (4)
Its a lot of fun (no snipers works fine thanks to all that supression and range 4 weapons i had no issue with securing objectives and managing my troops) but i would experiment to exchange my tank for a dewback and all corps for shore troopers and came with something like this:

Legion HQ

Title: Krennic Shores
Faction: empire
Mode: standard
- Director Krennic (90) = 90
- Bossk (115) = 115
- 3x Shoretroopers (52) + T-21B Trooper (32) = 252
Special Forces:
- 2x Imperial Death Troopers (76) + DLT-19D (34) + E-11D Grenade Launcher Config (8) = 236
- Dewback Rider (90) + RT-97C Blaster Rifle (15) = 105

Total: 798/800

- Voracious Ambition (1)
- Merciless Munitions (1)
- Deploy the Garrison (2)
- Reptilian Rampage (2)
- Lying in Wait (3)
- Annihilation Looms (3)
- Standing Orders (4)
I might exchange 1 shoretroopers unit for 2 mortars and one extra soretrooper in one of the squads that could give me some decent activation count and nice long range firepower. I guess i just like to have something heavier than basic troopers in every list i bring. What are your thoughts about both of those lists?