
By Abwehrschlacht, in Painting

Looks fantastic; I especially appreciate the dirty yet highlighted tone of the jumpsuit.

My one suggestion is clean up the bases next time; there's a bit of random color on the rim and the grass could use a quick trim.

Keep posting, love this stuff.

Thanks, the rim has a slight chip in the paint, which I didn't notice until I'd taken the photos and the grass is the same length as the other flock on my board so they fit in together. But cheers though!

Nice! Bossk is one of my favorite legion models, a welcome change for imperials to paint something not white or black, and I think you certainly did him justice,

Cheers buddy! Yeah, I like the figure, it's a really nice sculpt. I hope they produce the other bounty hunters as well!

I hope so too. Yours looks great!

Cheers pal!