In one game, the PCs managed to crash-splash their ship on a water world. It was staying afloat, but they certainly needed and wanted to get back to space ASAP.
As they assessed the damage, they were soon surrounded by a bunch of friendly and obviously primitive aquatic people. The people very curiously watched the PCs for awhile before approaching and offering some fish.
One of the PCs, a Rodian, decided he was going to strip down and jump into the water. He frolicked for a bit with the people.
The PCs' NPC protocol droid came topside to see what was going on. One of the players asked the droid what it might know of these people. I had them roll the droid's Outer Rim skill. The net result was one Triumph and one Despair. The droid said, "I'm unfamiliar with this species. But they're probably man-eaters," and went back into the ship.
The Rodian player looked at me and asked, "wait, was that the Triumph, or the Despair?" I simply shrugged and mentioned that his new friends were tugging on him... probably to play some more.
He got out of the water so fast!