How about a new map for the IACP season 2?

By Mandalore of the Rings, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

The title says it all. If people wanted to still use the 3 in current rotation that's fine, but maybe IACP could include a new map for the season. I don't mean a new made up map (although that would be fun too) but an actual FFG map that never got used before.

There are some pretty fun maps out there and it gets a bit boring to just play the same 3 all the time.

Pretty good idea!

If you're playing outside of the Testing League in pickup games, feel free to ask your opponent if you both want to mix it up.

For Testing League #1, we have the map rotation already set. I already have asterisks set for the last two weeks, since FFG may rotate Endor Defense Station into the tournament list. I'll poll the players to see if they want to play something older.

For Testing League #2, we'll definitely have a Wildcard map week.