Showcase: obstacles & terrain

By Minaith, in X-Wing Painting and Modification


I mean, why not to have a topic about our little enemys - the asteroids? And debris, gas clouds, satellites, space stations and whatever we build as scenery.


I have a bad feeling about this...


OK, I am debris now. **** red dice...

The original core set's 6 asteroids (bases of acryl cut to size to the cardboard ones, foam sitting on acrylic stands, you can draw the stand out if a fighter is to fly over/crash into an asteroid; alternatively have the original cardboards lying on the table and just put the 3D ones on top)



A special asteroid:



Actually this topic might be the spark into my back I need in order to finish a set of quite unusal "asteroids", lying around here for months...have to finish painting on that ones.

I'm waiting to see mynocks...

Here are two (bad) pictures of mine:



These are balls of tin foil, primed black and painted. I just made heavy bases to be able to put them on the carboard rocks and be tournament compliant.

Well, this is a little base for my roger-rogers. It is suposed to be on the lava field mat, ignore the space background. Here is where Kraken or TV-94 watch the battle and laugh evil-robotically. Id addition there is a small landing zone for a shuttle. The building is 3D printed ( free file here ). The landing zone is just plasticard with a magnet at the center, so any magnetized ship can land and stay there. Lava rivers are an unexpected upgrade. I used as base a sheet of plastic similar to the photo frame's. It is a very polished surface. I covered it with white glue and sand, and when drying it cracked on the look you are viewing. First idea was to fix it with more sand, but then I was uoohohooooo free lava rivers! and ahead on the red and oranges. Very happy with the finish.


Mo re pics her e.

By the way, the shuttle. I wanted an ugly scheme that matches the Cato Neimoidia swamps colours and ugliness and the ugly neimoidian faces. I think I reach it. It is so ugly that I am heavily desiring to throw it into alcohol and start a new paintjob. I'm not sure if this is a win or a fail. ¬¬

Title: · Swampy Ugliness . When an enemy or friendly ship at range 0-1 has you in its firing arc and receives a focus token, it receives also an stress token (due to eyes pain).

Edited by Minaith

Grievous' minicastle freely based on the Clone Wars refuge. B-22 rests on a hide magnet, Rogers are simply on ground.


M ore pics .

Edited by Minaith

Random model bits and epoxy putty cast ship bits I copied from XW minis using Instant Mold; mounted on washers and stored on a magnet strip.
sorry for the crappy pic. FFG kept would not let me upload a reasonably sized pic and it appears that my photobucket acct changed.


Edited by Pewpewpew BOOM