Every First Order Trooper and Canon Sith Legions

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in Star Wars: Legion



Looks a little like a Purge Trooper


Jet Trooper


Sith Trooper


Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

Again, the number of first order troops grows to that of a viable faction.

Here’s a better image:


Do we know what sort of role these troopers have?

1 hour ago, Asvaldir said:

Do we know what sort of role these troopers have?

Try to sell more toys, most likely

40 minutes ago, Rogue Three said:

Try to sell more toys, most likely

That and they can sue people again - that Lucasfilm v Ainsworth case in the UK really humped Disney when it comes to asserting control over OT and PT content.

6 hours ago, Rogue Three said:

Try to sell more toys, most likely

No doubt about that.

13 hours ago, Asvaldir said:

Do we know what sort of role these troopers have?

Maybe they truly are FO Purge Troopers? The second season of Resistance seems to explore the story with the force sensitive further. This background could be on the same planet we see the kids at in the trailer. If they are hunting force sensitives it makes sense for the FO to adapt the empires Purge Troopers.

On 8/14/2019 at 7:46 PM, That Blasted Samophlange said:

Again, the number of first order troops grows to that of a viable faction.

They were a viable faction right out of the gate with The Force Awakens , their Canon Specialized units include:

The Standard First Order Stormtrooper

(Mega Blaster) Heavy Assault Trooper

Flame Trooper

Snow Trooper (Cold Assault Trooper)

Riot Control Trooper

(All the above scene in Star Wars VII)

Executioner Trooper

Police Trooper

Rocket Trooper

Variant 1 With Jump Packs for small airborne jumps and bursts

Variant 2 With full Jet Packs for true flight both atmospheric and vacuum of space

Scuba Trooper (as seen in The Ressistance )

Stormtrooper Gunner (manned assault vehicles and mentioned in Incredible Cross Sections book)

Mountain Troopers

Elite Stromtroopers (wearing black armor, seen in toys and mentioned in books)

And then of course the Crimson Sith Trooper

1 hour ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

They were a viable faction right out of the gate with The Force Awakens , their Canon Specialized units include:

The Standard First Order Stormtrooper

(Mega Blaster) Heavy Assault Trooper

Flame Trooper

Snow Trooper (Cold Assault Trooper)

Riot Control Trooper

(All the above scene in Star Wars VII)

Executioner Trooper

Police Trooper

Rocket Trooper

Variant 1 With Jump Packs for small airborne jumps and bursts

Variant 2 With full Jet Packs for true flight both atmospheric and vacuum of space

Scuba Trooper (as seen in The Ressistance )

Stormtrooper Gunner (manned assault vehicles and mentioned in Incredible Cross Sections book)

Mountain Troopers

Elite Stromtroopers (wearing black armor, seen in toys and mentioned in books)

And then of course the Crimson Sith Trooper

I agree, which is why I started a whole thread denoted to showing how viable the First Order is as a faction, yet people kept saying there aren't enough units.

Clearly, this is not the case.

10 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

I agree, which is why I started a whole thread denoted to showing how viable the First Order is as a faction, yet people kept saying there aren't enough units.

Clearly, this is not the case.

I am less worried about enough units but can they distinguish themselves enough as a separate or will they end up as one of the upcoming sub factions that we have heard rumors about. On the flip side the resistance definitely doesn't have enough units to form a faction at this time.

On 8/16/2019 at 1:55 AM, Rogue Three said:

Try to sell more toys, most likely

You Mean Like This?


Imperial Patrol Trooper (Police Trooper) as seen in Solo


Jet Trooper


Sith Trooper

They were indeed a viable faction out of the gate. That is an uncontestable given lol.

Even without the addition of new units they were. Even if the units were identical to empire ones with no change they were. The simple addition of new leadership makes them different as the new leaders affect how the units function and get used in game. Of course just because we dont see a lot of the units in the movies does not mean they are not there. the same with equipment. You can rest assured they still have ice planets needing snowtroopers or planets with hostile environments where that equipment would be needed. They would still make use of local fauna on planets and so still have dewback riders.

I like the idea of sith troopers being ones to sniff out youth strong in the force and bring them into the fold for indoctrination. Look in the movies where we see a trooper using a hand to hand light saber tech weapon. Obviously not a person very strong in the force but as so far, that technology has been dedicated to force users (I could be wrong on this), it indicated to me that he had some training or knowledge of it. I think the FO would most definately not be above using those "low level" force users among the troops in leadership positions to boost morale by being billy baddies to show strength by adding a close combat element to squads and to help keep the rest in line through intimidation.

While im not directly saying their is not enough variance, most of above with how the game works would clasify as heavy weapons in set troop types not their own troop lookin at you flametroopers and the riot control trooper there is no way a blast spray would ever make its own unit unless its a duo ie strike team sorta thing and with little to no change from the empire i would rather see them as a sub faction sort of thing than a copy paste called different names do the same thing faction on their own

Meh. Plenty of successful factions for other games debuted with a tiny number of units and it was fine.

A fully fledged faction in Legion only needs 7 units IMO. 2 commanders, 2 corps, 3 randomly distributed across support, heavy, operatives, and special forces.

37 minutes ago, TauntaunScout said:

Meh. Plenty of successful factions for other games debuted with a tiny number of units and it was fine.

A fully fledged faction in Legion only needs 7 units IMO. 2 commanders, 2 corps, 3 randomly distributed across support, heavy, operatives, and special forces.

Agreed, they might not be the “meta”, but they could very well be fun to play. With the numbers you put out above, the First Order exceeds that, and the Resistance can do it as well with what they have.

There is also the point that, if the Resistance is built in a way that they are functionally different from the other armies that they can be interesting to play, as well as differentiating from the Rebels. Resistance could be done in a way that requires them to have a bunch of Mini-operatives for corps units - like the Bistan and Pao cards from the pathfinders. Who knows, but there are creative ways that it could be done.

Games workshop is the number one in the industry and the most recognizable company in the industry. They have how many imperial guard factions? more than 6. How many chaos or eldar or space marines? A LOT more. And look to them, all identical units with only different named commanders and the odd extra signature units sprinkled in here and there. They rake in money and have the highest sales in the world. Most myself included have multiples of the same tank or unit just to give them different paint jobs for different armies even though we use the same units each time because they are the basic staple for the army (tactical squad/stormtrooper squad. This is their bread and butter and other companies like FF could take notes and vastly improve their bottom line. Trust me, I have been playing their games and following them since 1982.

Edited by EVIL INC
On 8/25/2019 at 1:55 AM, EVIL INC said:

Games workshop is the number one...companies like FF could take notes and vastly improve their bottom line. Trust me, I have been playing their games and following them since 1982.

Again...this fan grrl/boi does not let up on the 40K marketing machine...mods and syssops have a look...your corporate images are under assault by these people.

The topic is a Star Wars product yet these people continue urge to sell another. My hard earned disposable income should not support Games Workshop propaganda unless FFG have sold out to those people.

All this hidden by so called imperial adviser who is wise and powerful with knowledge not earned (OR a Solomon) who is loosely termed a schill (in their own words and deeds).

once again, $$$spent does not equal respect or relevance...search Your feelings, you know it to be true.

Edited by GhengisharnIV
Hurt feelings

Your the fan boy/girl. The "fanboy" (i use the male version arbitrarily) is a model that I stand against. A fanboy only speaks praises of their chosen brand and puts all others down without ever admitting to the faults of their chosen or the good qualities of the ones they dont like. If i was attacking or assaulting FF as you so rudely accuse (against the rules of the site I may add as that is not a welcoming or friendly thing to do), I would be telling folks to not buy FF products. Of course, a GW fanboy would not be here in the first place. I acknowledge the skillwith which GW brands and puts out their product which has proven to be effective and creates a vast profit for themselves. FF could learn by that. However, while GW got greedy and their catering to the "fanboys" and alienating those who also choose to play other games, FF could learn by that mistake that GW has made in recent years that has started to lower their profits and cause folks like myself to look to other games. Your behavior is that of the fanboys of GW demonstrated that caused folks to leave them to go elsewhere. Think on that. By constantly badgering and harassing players merely because they do not share your opinion on whether or not FF should ever release FO models or characters, you are acting as the face of the company and showing newcomers that ALL here are like that making the place welcoming and making it hostile. The only reason I even mentioned this method GW has used successfully, is because it can serve as a model that can be put to use by a company with higher morals and ethical standards to make more profit and thus have more $ to reinvest to make itself larger.

Note, that I am not the only one to have pointed this out. I suppose you are singling me out for this harassment because I am newer or because I did not share your opinion on a topic. But by all means, if you feel I should not discuss the possible future inclusion of FO, go ahead and go through the thread and report each and every one of my posts if it make you feel better. I will choose to ignore your blatant trolling and name calling in your last post

I just want FO in the game so I can paint these models. Imagine a phasma model at this games scale, would look awesome. Most of these troops would make for awesome figures.

On 8/20/2019 at 12:32 PM, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:


On 8/24/2019 at 9:55 AM, EVIL INC said:

Games workshop is the number one in the industry and the most recognizable company in the industry. They have how many imperial guard factions? more than 6. How many chaos or eldar or space marines? A LOT more. And look to them, all identical units with only different named commanders and the odd extra signature units sprinkled in here and there. They rake in money and have the highest sales in the world. Most myself included have multiples of the same tank or unit just to give them different paint jobs for different armies even though we use the same units each time because they are the basic staple for the army (tactical squad/stormtrooper squad. This is their bread and butter and other companies like FF could take notes and vastly improve their bottom line. Trust me, I have been playing their games and following them since 1982.

To be fair to FFG, this is one of their first forays into miniature wargaming (keep in kind, FFG is a boardgaming powerhouse, which is an entirely different field of production than wargaming). They're taking their time to flesh out their lines, because this is new to them. Big companies like GW can be releasing new models every other week or so because they've been in this for decades.

As well, Warhammer is so big in great part because it sells. They reason they have approximately three million factions, and even encourage players to design their own sects of each faction (like customizing your own Imperial Guard legion), is because a) it means you'll buy more of their toys and b) they have the liberty to design the setting to fit the game. Same goes for other big miniatures waragames like Infinity, Malifaux, etc.; they have a lot of factions because it's a good idea to have choices in a wargame.

Star Wars is different. Star Wars was designed to sell toys, sure, but it was good enough to have the Big Bad and the Dashing Heroes. Most folks looking in can recognize the two big factions from the three trilogies; beyond that, most minor factions don't quite suffice to build their own independent faction (they'd be far more suited for sub-factions). Sure, if you go digging deep you might find some obscure military force that operated in some obscure battle, but to me a lot of them would feel forced. Heck, even the current modeled can feel weird sometimes; having an army of Stormtroopers designed for three different environment types in the same battle just feels weird to me, and don't get me started on playing between war periods (nothing ruins immersion like seeing General Ob-Wan Kenobi fighting against Luke Skywalker).

Still, that's just my take. The Sequels still remain a viable source for FFG to draw from in the future, though I agree with others that the factions may be a bit too close to OT factions. I wouldn't play them myself, but it certainly sounds like there are people who would love to.

I could be wrong but I think if FF wanted to go into the SW universe beyond the movies, they could do a LOT.

There are countless criminal organizations.

Likely countless worlds of aliens who could fully support the empire/fo and be gung ho about fighting alongside stormtroopers in their areas

Possibly countless worlds that are outside the area where the empire just has not gotten to and they are fighting among themselves

The list is endless. I think if you focus ONLY on the movies, interest will ebb and flow with pop culture and what shows and movies. If they build it up without interfering in that core, they could do a lot. I understand though, they are kind of new to this game. I like how they did the dust models to be honest and i wish the company that took that over afterwards would have packaged them the same way. They could learn a lot from other companies by studying their methods. FF has good miniatures and good games. They just, I think need to learn to approach and market better. They are improving and I have high hopes. They have my full support. thats why I drop hints of places they can look to and study in hopes that they can benefit.