Have I been using the action window in the planning phase wrong all this time?

By Steven Frizzell, in Rules questions & answers

Up to this point I’ve always played the action window at the END of the Planning Phase after playing cards from the hand. I believe this what the rule book shows in the example phasing on the last page or so.

Example: after playing a card like Steward of Gondor from my hand I would not exhaust it until the end of the phase and would not use those resources in the current planning phase. I’ve seen others recently play Steward, exhaust it immediately and use the extra resources during the current Planning Phase for other cards.

So, Back to the basics...What do you all do?

Whole phase is green. You have to play allies and attachments in player order, but you can do actions whenever.

Please read the description of this excellent and informative deck, it will teach you way more about action windows and how to use them than the rulebook ever will:


Interesting. Thanks!