Getting The Band Back Together!!!

By sarumanthewhite, in Runewars Miniatures Game

Look, I know that in our hobby these days, there's so much stuff coming out that even good games get overrun by licensed products. At the same time, I would offer that our perspective's have been biased by the need to buy new stuff every 30-90 days. Having been in the gaming hobby for going on 40 years now, I can say that was not always the case. We typically got a couple of releases a year and our interest picked up with it's arrival.

Now that we're starting to get our fan made content up and running, I wanted to share what we did to build our group and keep it going in spite of everything else. I'd love to hear other's thoughts on this.

I took the lead by having a couple of armies to share with the newer folks and then as I came across armies being sold on eBay, I picked them up (at quite a discount!) and put them in my closet for future use. With three of us having actually purchased our own armies, we brought in another 3 to play on a bi-weekly basis. I essentially schedule the pairings every two weeks with the missions/deployments and send them out to the group. Those two folks are responsible to schedule their own match in that time period.

We score winner's/loser's, points don't matter beyond that. After 12 weeks, everyone's played each other once (6 players, weeks per game), we total it up and have a playoff to figure out the winner. Prizes are Gentleman's Honor... 😀

We find that the bi-weekly format where folks schedule their own game works perfectly. It's just too hard to get all 6 in a room on a given day due to personal lives, etc. Now, the other three folks all have bought armies and we're up to a group of 6- plenty for us.

Again, we're living in the post-Thanos snap world, I get it. At the same time, if folks want to make this work, it's really not that hard, you just have to stick with it (like anything in life).

I'd love to hear other folks experiences...