Heir of Mardil

By bitzurock, in Rules questions & answers


Heir of Mardil sais : " Response: After attached hero gains any number of resources from a card effect, exhaust Heir of Mardil to ready attached hero. "

How do i resolve the forced effect when the hero is not exhausted but gains resources (if it has attached steward of gondor) ?

Do i wait until i exhaust the hero for questing or defending/attacking and then resolve the response effect? Or do i need first to exhaust the hero and use steward of gondor and then use Heir of Mardil ?

9 minutes ago, bitzurock said:

How do i resolve the forced effect when the hero is not exhausted but gains resources (if it has attached steward of gondor) ?

You wouldn't want to 'cause nothing would happen.

7 minutes ago, bitzurock said:

Or do i need first to exhaust the hero and use steward of gondor and then use Heir of Mardil ?


Responses are triggered immediately once their conditions are met. You can't use Steward of Gondor in the planning phase then use the Heir to ready the hero in the questing phase. The hero needs to already be exhausted then gains resources for Heir of Mardil to be effective.

Thank you !

6 hours ago, bitzurock said:

How do i resolve the forced effect

It's not a forced effect, it's a response. Responses are always optional.