Fillable Character Sheets

By Doji Lionpants, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game

Greetings and Salutations.

If this has been asked already I humbly apologise but is there plans for a fillable character sheet?

If someone has done one already is there a link available?

Domo Arigato.

I'm about to create a character for the first time using this version/edition having been a veteran of L5R rpg from 1st Ed through to 4th.

Wish me Luck.

Paper Blossoms is a great piece of software for creating characters featuring everything you need, as long as you have source books readily available for the mechanical details. You can print the sheet afterwards and save the file if desired for updating advancement.

Roll20 also has a fillable sheet for 5th edition, but I've never tried printing it out. Pages could probably be saved as images if you wanted to go that route.

There's probably an pdf form out there too, but I primarily use these other methods for PC / NPC maintenance.

Welcome to the newest edition!

I use these ones:

Thnx for the replies. I'll check out Paper Blossoms.