Clone Wars B1 Battle Driod Painting Question

By Cornwolf, in Painting

Hi Guys,

I am just getting myself prepped ready for the next core set and I can't make up my mind what colour to use for the droids, I was going to use Skeleton Bone but I think thats too yellow and the Arm Painter brainmatter beige might be too pale. Anyone managed to colour match anything? May be Arid Earth but I don't have a pot of that to check the actual colour.

Thanks in advance guys.

Obviously if you are going for movie matched display quality you might really want to agonize over this. But if you just want them to look reasonable on the tabletop I’m guessing either of those colors would look just fine.

Vallejo makes a spray can called dead flesh; I just compared some color samples to some droid images and it’s pretty close.

FFG are launching 3 new paint sets soon, but they all seem to be for the core legion armies - nothing in the sets looks suitable for the clone wars expansions... so perhaps they'll be bringing out some clone wars paint sets at some point (though by that point it will be too late as everyone will have started painting well before that and will have already chosen their preferred colours). Given that the legion paints look like rebranded army painter paints, the 'official' paint will most likely be a renamed army painter colour.

Personally, I think the brainm  att  er bei  ge is too pale as-is, but it depends what wash you use with it. Skeleton Bone looks more like it, but again it depends what wash you use with it. But I'm sure someone here will have already tried it and can suggest the appropriate mix.

I 'll probably end up using citadel paints as that's what I'm familiar with, but they have an even wider variety of similar colours to ponder over...

I'll make mine gray with green markings, so... *shruggity-shrug*

Doing mine in Geonosis Reddish Brown for most of mine. Beige with red markings for security droids.

I'll be using Vellejo 'light brown' for mine. It's a tad darker than I believe they are, but I think it'll look great. Airbrush prime in white, airbrush light brown, wash and detail. Done.

I'll go for a slightly different hue , Vallejo heavy goldbrown

I'm going to be doing mine in Ushabti Bone as a base, a wash of Agrax Earthshade followed by a dry brush of Tyrant Skull. And of course command droids will get the appropriate colours. But my rank and file will be fairly basic and quick to paint.

14 hours ago, CaptMook said:

Raising the Dead a little bit here, but what do people think about this method?

I'm considering it, it looks very similar IMO and seems relatively easy to paint so many droids.

Yeah, the droids have a lot in common with skeletons. They are spindly, basically monochrome without a lot of features. This method would absolutely work fine, in my opinion. I would probably not use a white highlight on the droids though, as it would be too white. You might want to experiment a little but something like deck tan, or Rakarth flesh or ushabti bone should give you a less glaring highlight that makes more sense for the droids.

If you want skeleton horde to work better base coat in your intended highlight 1st. Or maybe switch to a thinned out agaros dunes

Sounds a bit counter intuitive given the aim of contrasts but I find it still saves a boatload of palette mixing and layers, offer only requiring 1 last "brightest" drybrush to finish off

When I painted mine, I primed them, gave them a coat of Krylon Camo Sand, and called it good for a base coat. After that it was wash/eyes and gun in metallic black, silver on the antennas, yellow in the appropriate spots, and dry brush. Probably the easiest unit of minis I've ever painted, and I think they turned out fine. The pictures below aren't great, but I think they give you an idea.

IMG_20190813_175909352 IMG_20190813_175900340

8 hours ago, BigBadAndy said:

Yeah, the droids have a lot in common with skeletons. They are spindly, basically monochrome without a lot of features. This method would absolutely work fine, in my opinion. I would probably not use a white highlight on the droids though, as it would be too white. You might want to experiment a little but something like deck tan, or Rakarth flesh or ushabti bone should give you a less glaring highlight that makes more sense for the droids.

I think you're absolutely right, I'll likely follow the wash with an application of some sort of tan. And I'd reserve any bright highlights for the uppermost portions or around the face.