So can the scenarios be used with any villain? Ie can the green goblin be slotted into the core set scenarios?
Green Goblin and the core set
Green Goblin has his own scenarios, but you can use the modular blocks of cards with whatever villain.
Do the villain packs come with hero cards?
38 minutes ago, cheapmate said:Do the villain packs come with hero cards?
No, Scenario Packs are strictly villain cards. Hero packs will be all hero cards except for the Obligation and 5 Nemesis cards.
We can look at what we know of the Green Goblin pack to "prove" this.
There are 78 cards in the set. The Risky Business scenario has 24 cards, where the Rhino and Klaw Scenarios have 21 cards. The Goblin Gimmicks Modular has 8 cards where the Modulars from the core contain 6-7 cards.
So going with the known numbers and the minimums of the others we already have 71 cards. I find it more likely that the Scenario and three Modulars have more than the minimum cards than they've squeezed in 7 hero cards.
1 hour ago, Aahzmandius_Karrde said:No, Scenario Packs are strictly villain cards. Hero packs will be all hero cards except for the Obligation and 5 Nemesis cards.
We can look at what we know of the Green Goblin pack to "prove" this.
There are 78 cards in the set. The Risky Business scenario has 24 cards, where the Rhino and Klaw Scenarios have 21 cards. The Goblin Gimmicks Modular has 8 cards where the Modulars from the core contain 6-7 cards.
So going with the known numbers and the minimums of the others we already have 71 cards. I find it more likely that the Scenario and three Modulars have more than the minimum cards than they've squeezed in 7 hero cards.
Presumably there’s a set up card for each of the scenarios as well to tell you what to put into play (and the article indicates they also tell you which are the recommended modules for the scenario).
Setup is just the reverse side of the Scheme card and are numbered inside the Scenario. For instance The Break-In! is card #4 for the Rhino Scenario. Side 1a is the setup and side 1b is the Scheme itself.