New bases or not...

By Dentifrice, in Mansions of Madness


I really don't know what to do. The included bases for minis are bulky, ugly and takes a lot of space (several monsters in the same space isn't always working). BUT, I can slide the token in the base. If there are two identical monsters, you can also put the other token on it.

Then I thought about buying clear bases. They looks good. Way better. Take less space. But you can't slide the stats token (awareness, brawl, horror). That isn't a big problem since you can have a sheet of the side with everything. But when there is two identical monsters, now you need to drag the token around. Not a big problem but not perfect.

And the biggest thing, you need to cut the pin of each mini. So there is no turning back.

What you guys are doing ?

I know it's stupid but I really don't know what to do ...

3 hours ago, Dentifrice said:


I really don't know what to do. The included bases for minis are bulky, ugly and takes a lot of space (several monsters in the same space isn't always working). BUT, I can slide the token in the base. If there are two identical monsters, you can also put the other token on it.

Then I thought about buying clear bases. They looks good. Way better. Take less space. But you can't slide the stats token (awareness, brawl, horror). That isn't a big problem since you can have a sheet of the side with everything. But when there is two identical monsters, now you need to drag the token around. Not a big problem but not perfect.

And the biggest thing, you need to cut the pin of each mini. So there is no turning back.

What you guys are doing ?

I know it's stupid but I really don't know what to do ...

I think its a personal choice to be honest I have stuck with the original bases because I like the token in the base because I didn't want to be searching for monsters then trying to find their token to go with them sometimes it does get a little crowded I admit but I am happy to live with that, I do however like the clear bases, Im sure someone will have found a solution though, for the clear bases

If you have multiple enemies of the same type, just paint them differently to the colour scheme of the numbers. You could do this subtly if you wished. E.g. Colour the shoes different to the numbers or whatever you think works.


Clear bases were totally the way to go for me. Those black bases were horrible and took up too much room.

The Monster stat token(s) sits off to the side in alphabetical order with their appropriate miniatures next to them. When a monster is called for, the miniature goes on the table and the token goes next to the tiles in play for easy reference.

And for duplicate monster/miniatures, just place the ‘tombstone’ colour/symbol token in the same space (doesn’t even need to be near the miniature, just the same space - but remember to move it when the miniature moves).