Came across a dilemma over the past year. I've run two groups, both campaigns set in the Dawn of the Rebellion era. (First campaign started around the release of Solo). I've always enjoyed using a main villain for the PCs to chase and have a major grudge with. (Shosuro Jocho from L5R 1st, and Prince Vitel DC by Night VtM).
1. My initial campaign had Darth Maul or simply Maul as the main villain. (I Purchased Dawn of the Rebellion at a FLGS just for It's stats). Two of the PCs encountered It (Maul) once on Dathomir and LOVED the encounter. The Sharpshooter distracted Maul by sniping at It, while the others fled through a Imperial checkpoint to their ship.
2. One of my Co-Gms used Jyn Erso as a teen and Orson Krennic in another scene during his initial session. It was a neat little touch...more cameo than anything.
-But for the most part, the players said "Using original characters is the best."
Second group I formed and am currently running for. (Because I moved to a new city).
Dawn of the Rebellion. Have yet to use a named character. They were working for Bail Organa. One of my PCs who was running a KOTOR long shot brought in Shatele Shan. It felt forced and contrived.
Question: Do you guys use named/canon characters in your stories/campaigns? I am in the process of blowing up our current campaign due to various reasons (Players leaving, one shots going off from the other GMs, etc). With the reboot, thinking about using 1 canon character to be the main villain (Maul) behind the scenes initially.
General/Personal Thoughts:
-Little cameos like the one GM using Krennic or bringing in Lando for a scene are okay with me. Having Yoda or Luke Skywalker run around with us is not. I like the idea of interacting with the NPC for a short scene.
-I love and hate the idea of bringing in Maul....part of me loves the character as a villain and has a grasp on this current group...thinking they would enjoy it as well. Other part of me is..."Will they vomit it up like I did with Shatele Shan?"
-To me, Maul is not an important enough character that if It died, it would ruin canon. Yes, Maul comes into the scene during the Clone Wars, Rebels, and SOLO. But those apperances can be worked around if It were to die. On the other hand if Luke was to get ganked.....or Han....