Sabacc game on the row encounter

By Folkard_Silverstring, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I've read through other topics about Sabacc rules, but I'm still too stupid to understand.

Here's the summary of the information that in the end I can't wrap my head around.

There are four NPCs at the table, and the skills they are using are provided (Kanz uses cool, Jalla and Grenzo use Deception, etc).

One of them is Carn - the most skilled dude.

The rules of Sabacc state that if the PCs are playing against minor NPCs, the difficulty is a set value. If there's a skilled NPC - use an opposed check.

First the encounter suggests that the difficulty is set value, but the Carn starts to play in full strength and uses Skulduggery. Other NPCs begin to actively play against PCs adding setback dice to each PCs pool.

So now my brain starts to explode:

Let's say there are 3 players and 4 NPCs around the table. Do all the 3 players have difficulty of the most skilled player - Carn? Then why do I even need to know the skills of other NPCs? Do NPCs roll to? In some topics GMs said that they do, but then why does the encounter text says "Since Carn isn't making a skill check, the GM can have the PCs discover him cheating of the check generate 5 adv or 2 triumphs."

Once I think I've answered one question, the answer contradicts the other question.

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Another way to do Gambling (not just Sabacc) checks would be to have a contested skill check.

Basically each contestant rolls a skill check without an associated difficulty, and the result with the most success & advantages wins.

This works for a single round . . .

Another technique that I use actually represents a period of time with several hands and I start with the players letting me know how much money they are putting up or at risk.

Next, figure out the skill of the single best opponent (as you've outlined) to figure out in the previous post and then have them make that one contested roll.

We start with a Did you Suceed or Fail?

If they succeed then we start with the premise that they at least held onto their beginning bet. For each advantage, they win 10% more than they put up. Success with Threats indicate that the lose 10% of their pot, but have the sense to walk away with more than nothing.

A Failure result with advantages means that they lose a lot, but manage to hold onto 10% of their bet per advantage.

Failure with Threats means they lose it all.

A Triumph represents a big win, doubling the PC's take (then apply the adv & threats after that based on the original bid).

Dispairs generally mean that someone accuses the PC's of cheating . . . :o

So that's two ways that I work with gambling and how I've adapted those principles to FFG's dice mechanics.

In general I try to boil down a night of gaming to a single dice roll.

The skill IDs for Janz, Kalla and Grenzo might be for color or contingencies. Unless I'm misreading, their increased efforts are represented by Setbacks only.

Edited by wilsch