Edit: Added rebel veterans to the end of the thread

By BigBadAndy, in Painting

I finally broke down and picked up an inexpensive light box off Amazon and a better camera app for my phone. I’m still experimenting but I took some test shots of my recently finished shoretroopers and my landspeeder.

I’ve also copied the original post from this thread and put it at the end of the thread. Thought I would try it this way for a change.



Edited by BigBadAndy

I like the desert scout trooper and the rest looks great too

Edited by Qualitypunk

I looked forward to seeing the completed Desert Scout Trooper unit. I feel your pain, it’s hard to not be canonical with Stormtroopers.

Finished up the desert scout troopers. Not great pics but you can get the idea.




These are primed with mechanics standard gray, and then painted in two Vallejo model colors. German camo dark green and Khaki. I washed liberally with army painter light time and then dry brushed with Khaki. The base is just Agrellan earth drybrushed a bit with Khaki to lighten it up.

I think the overall scheme works well. I tried painting highlights but didn’t like the result so I stuck with a light dry brushing instead. If someone wanted to detail these more I’m sure they could make the scheme look great. For me, these are basically opposition force pieces and they were much more fun than painting the white ones.

Also, for anyone interested, here’s the landspeeder with the finished base.



Here’s my still drying tabletop Tauntauns.




I love what you are doing here. My desert bases are very similar.

I'd prefer a full black on the rims of the Imperial bases, I find the lighter color a bit distracting. But that is just a nit picky personal preference.

Keep 'em coming

Below is the original post:

I never know if it’s better etiquette to start a new thread or dig up an old one and add to it. But since I don’t want to scroll through two years of my old photos I figure you don’t want to either.

I’ve been slowly but surely painting up additional forces, while simultaneously being distracted by other shiny objects (Board game minis and Legend of the Five Rings Samurai, some Harry Potter miniatures and the occasional D&D mini... darn. I’m a full on miniature addict now I guess). Somewhere along the way I painted up the rebel and imperial specialists but I don’t know if I posted them or not.

I still love painting individual minis more than squads so I’m pretty happy with my Jyn and Krennic. Tabletop standard as always so don’t expect to magnify them and see flawless lines, lol. Sorry about the odd background, but I find that holding them in front of my workstation actually produces better light balance and more accurate colors than trying to get them on a white or black background.





I also finished a set of scout troopers. Man, I hate white... I actually did these guys in a very light gray (Vallejo sky gray) and I should have just left them like that. In isolation they looked white enough. But once I started adding highlights with white I had to do the whole thing.


I’m also finally breaking my film based traditionalism and doing a non standard unit color. Here’s my test model for desert scout troopers.


I also got my x-34 done. I didn’t get final pictures of the base so I will have to dig some up tonight. But I magnetized the riders and had a nice time getting this one done.


Again, not going to win any awards but hey, it looks good at arms length and I had fun doing it. I may go back and touch up some stuff.

So that’s my update. I’ve got one squad each of Death Troopers and Pathfinders waiting in the wings, along with a speeder bike unit I’ve been procrastinating on. Then Bossk and Sabine. Unlikely I will get all that done before Rebel veterans and Tauntauns come out, but I can dream right?

On 8/6/2019 at 4:13 AM, BigBadAndy said:

I finally broke down and picked up an inexpensive light box off Amazon and a better camera app for my phone. I’m still experimenting but I took some test shots of my recently finished shoretroopers and my landspeeder.

I’ve also copied the original post from this thread and put it at the end of the thread. Thought I would try it this way for a change.



I love it!
It takes some fiddling, but eventually you get the settings right and the box becomes your companion cube :)

Lovely stuff here. The desert base really sells the landspeeder

Just to be as weird as possible, I’ve decided to just add these to the end of the thread.

Im down to my rebel veterans and then a third unit of Speeder Bikes that I never got around to painting. So I’m doing these one at a time and sparing myself the misery of painting them as a batch. So far I have 3.5 done. Here are the finished three.



I’m using similar colors but slightly different techniques on the models just to keep myself interested and make them less boring. But I’m also keeping the overall scheme pretty monochrome and then hoping to bring attention to their faces with some warm skin tones and the bright blue goggles.


Red Beard looks like Snowjob, from GI Joe! :D

Image result for snow job gi joe

I did the first of my Rebel Z-6 troopers as Rock'n'Roll.

I really like your shoretroopers and desert scouts. Are you going to do any dewbacks to go with them?

10 hours ago, Achinadav said:

I really like your shoretroopers and desert scouts. Are you going to do any dewbacks to go with them?

I don’t have any dew backs yet, but I definitely plan to pick one up. I haven’t thought about a paint scheme but I tend to go with the standard Star Wars scheme as my default. Any alternates would be for additional units.