MN W:I playgroup

By Grevane, in Warhammer Invasion Community

Was wondering where anyone will be playing this game Friday (14th), in MN. I'd like to get some new decks playtested.

We'll be at the FFG event center, most likely. I should be there this weekend. :)

I might be down Friday late afternoon/early eveing if you want to pound on a n00b. My deck builds are pretty non filthy.

Cool. What are your guy's real names so we can meet up and play?

FYI, we're still hosting tournaments up in Cambridge at the Gamers Den; don't know how close any of you are if you are interested. We've also jsut started out third league (currently in week 2) so we've got some events going on at our store.

'Course, if you're all Twin Cities players, no need to drive so far just to play.

I'd still like to try and swing by that way - we're moving more Northerly in a few weeks but not enough to make it that much quicker to get up there, sadly.

I'm going to be hosting a tournament in the Northern suburbs in the next couple of months (possibly even 2 of them) so we can all get prepped for GenCon. You guys would be very much welcome to attend. If you think you might have a real chance to come play, shoot me the names in this thread and I'll add them to my other thread (or just post them in that thread) about hosting a tournament. You'll see it in this sub-forum... :)

I'm Zac (brother is Alex), we met a week ago and I am on your list already. I will go to FFG after work on Friday then. See you there, either 5 o'clockish or after 6 depending on my dog. I've got 4 decks to play-test and I can't wait!

Awesome - you guys are GREAT opponents and very good deck-builders! I look forward to seeing you chaps again!

"FYI, we're still hosting tournaments up in Cambridge at the Gamers Den; don't know how close any of you are if you are interested. We've also jsut started out third league (currently in week 2) so we've got some events going on at our store.

'Course, if you're all Twin Cities players, no need to drive so far just to play."

How many people attend your tourneys? It's about a 45 mile drive for my brother and I. We would go if you get a decent turnout.

Good news, Fantasy Flight Games in Roseville has changed their membership/store policy. The store will now be open till 1 o'clock to everyone regardless of membership. They also added a 15% discount on store product to the membership so it is a lot better to have one.


You guys going to show up this coming Friday? My brother and I will be there.

Extremely unlikely for me - I'm moving this week and Friday is the day before the biggest part of the we move in on Saturday. Sorry guys. :(

But go post in my thread about the MN tournament as I need to know what Saturdays are open for you guys so I can set the date. :)