Hey..was hoping for the hive mind here to let me know what you think. I haven't been able to play for almost a year and I am trying to get back into it with all the new stuff. I want to play Han and Sabine. Can you all let me know what you think of this list.
Han - Improvised Orders, Duck and Cover, Emergency Stims - 146pts
Sabine - Personal Combat Shield, Endurance, Targeting Scopes - 147pts
Rebel Commando/Snipers - Dh-447 Sniper 44pts
Rebel Commando/Snipers - Dh-447 Sniper, Long Range Comlink - 54 pts
Rebel Troopers - Z-6 Trooper - 62pts X 4 -248pts
AT-RT - AT-RT Flam - 80pts x 2 - 160pts
Total 799pts.
Let me know what you think. Did I do this right. lol