2xArq Thrawn + ISD-II + Rogues

By ShoutingMan, in Star Wars: Armada Fleet Builds

This has been a fun fleet to play with, particularly to fly some Arquitens and Decimators. But I’m sure there are some interesting variations I haven’t thought of. Keeping with an ISD and two Arquitens, what might you change for different tactics or improve on this fleet’s inefficiencies? Thanks :)


Name: 2xArq Thrawn + ISD-II + Rogues
Faction: Imperial
Commander: Grand Admiral Thrawn

Assault: Close-Range Intel Scan
Defense: Fighter Ambush
Navigation: Superior Positions

Arquitens Light Cruiser (54)
• Grand Admiral Thrawn (32)
• Captain Needa (2)
• Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (7)
= 95 Points

Arquitens Light Cruiser (54)
• Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (7)
= 61 Points

Imperial II (120)
• Skilled First Officer (1)
• Electronic Countermeasures (7)
• SW-7 Ion Batteries (5)
• XI7 Turbolasers (6)
• Relentless (3)
= 142 Points

• Boba Fett (26)
• Morna Kee (27)
• 2 x VT-49 Decimator (44)
= 97 Points

Total Points: 395

I’d swap a deci for Bossk for sure. Maybe drop XI7s all together because you have squads and the Arqs putting out enough damage for them to get use out of redirects anyway. And Leading Shots irons out red dice as well as blue.

I agree. Bossk is so much better than a Decimator for only 1 more point. Not heavy, guaranteed accuracy, a brace etc.

LS is better than SW7. If you get too many blue accuracies just discard one and reroll any other blue accuracies and any blank red dice.

XI7s aren't needed as the enemy just use redirects against all your other attacks and brace the XI7 shots. Use the points for Gunnery teams.

Watch out for the missions. C.R.I.S is fine but the others are usually taken by true carrier lists with lots of fighter boosting upgrades and 130+ points of squadrons. If you come up against one of those you will get plastered with lots of 15 point generating attacks while your squads get locked down by Tycho and Shara or swept away by Flight controllers, Howlrunner & TIE-Interceptors. Planetary Ion Cannon or Contested Outpost for yellow and Solar Corona or Dangerous Territory for blue missions.

Great ideas to try! I’ve been playing against squadronless fleets lately, so Decimator is better than Bossk against ships, i think. But for potential scatter aces to jam up my rogues, I like the idea of Bossk a lot.

I could trade leading shots in for SW7. That was fun to try, but didn’t bring a lot of hits to the table.

I’ve tried Gunnery Teams and had mixed results. But I could give it another go. I’ve been using this fleet to help improve my deployment and navigation approaches.

Regarding objectives: I take your point though I’ve got some leeway here. I play against a friend, and I know he’s bringing minimal squadrons. I’m playing off his “meta” and vice versa. So I knew that I wouldn’t get snookered by a 130 pt bomber fleet. I do normally bring Planetary Ion Cannons and Solar Corona. This fleet I wanted a point-generating objective I could potentially play to. And I’ve not really liked Solar Corona. But after this last game I think I see how I’ve been playing it poorly.

Thanks for the ideas!

Incorporated the feedback. Will probably fly this next time. These changes will give me some new tactics to work on :)


Name: 2xArq Thrawn + ISD-II + Rogues v2
Faction: Imperial
Commander: Grand Admiral Thrawn

Assault: Close-Range Intel Scan
Defense: Planetary Ion Cannon
Navigation: Solar Corona

Arquitens Light Cruiser (54)
• Grand Admiral Thrawn (32)
• Captain Needa (2)
• Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (7)
= 95 Points

Arquitens Light Cruiser (54)
• Turbolaser Reroute Circuits (7)
= 61 Points

Imperial II (120)
• Skilled First Officer (1)
• Gunnery Team (7)
• Electronic Countermeasures (7)
• Leading Shots (4)
• Relentless (3)
= 142 Points

• Boba Fett (26)
• Morna Kee (27)
• Bossk (23)
• VT-49 Decimator (22)
= 98 Points

Total Points: 396

My son runs something similar but squadronless and it's a great list. You might consider swapping out the ISD II for a cymoon with intensify firepower, switch to Vader for your commander, drop the squads, and add another Arq with Kalus on it enhanced armaments.

8 hours ago, Nomemories said:

My son runs something similar but squadronless and it's a great list. You might consider swapping out the ISD II for a cymoon with intensify firepower, switch to Vader for your commander, drop the squads, and add another Arq with Kalus on it enhanced armaments.

I only have two Arq’s currently. I’ll keep that three Arq version in mind for future purchases. :)

55 minutes ago, ShoutingMan said:

I only have two Arq’s currently. I’ll keep that three Arq version in mind for future purchases. :)

Oh, yeah they're hard to come by these days

I've been thinking working officer palpatine and krennic into such a list could enhance them as well

How might that work? I’m not familiar with those upgrades.

17 hours ago, ShoutingMan said:

How might that work? I’m not familiar with those upgrades.

Krennic lets you reroll any number of red dice at med-long range if you spend a concentrate fire dial or 2 if you spend the token. Good for anything with lots of red dice. Palpatine makes people spend a defense token to shoot the ship he's on.

I came up with a Tarkin list right after the Cymoon dropped a year and a half ago. I have been playing with it and I think I can switch it to a JJ list now. One key for my list is ET or Arq Command Cruisers. Combo that with JJ and you have an incredibly mobile list.

This list uses RitR cards and I haven't played it yet but the Arq's should each have a Nav Token every turn and can run C.F. almost every turn. Still a lot of play testing needed.

Name: JJ Arqs
Faction: Imperial
Commander: Moff Jerjerrod

Assault: Suprise Attack
Defense: Rift Ambush
Navigation: Volatile Deposits

Arquitens Command Cruiser (59)
• Wulff Yularen (7)
• Engine Techs (8)
• Dual Turbolaser Turrets (5)
= 79 Points

Arquitens Command Cruiser (59)
• Commander Vanto (7)
• Engine Techs (8)
• Dual Turbolaser Turrets (5)
= 79 Points

Imperial II (120)
• Moff Jerjerrod (23)
• Emperor Palpatine (3)
• Gunnery Team (7)
• Reinforced Blast Doors (5)
• Leading Shots (4)
• XI7 Turbolasers (6)
• Avenger (5)
= 173 Points

• Bossk (23)
• Colonel Jendon (20)
• Maarek Stele (21)
= 64 Points

Total Points: 395

This is my original Tarquitens list. It did very well for me for a bit until folks caught on to it. Some folks are surprised when you suddenly have super mobile Arq's.

Name: Tarkin Sovereign (2018 Regionals)
Faction: Imperial
Commander: Grand Moff Tarkin

Assault: Station Assault
Defense: Contested Outpost
Navigation: Dangerous Territory

ISD Cymoon 1 Refit (112)
• Grand Moff Tarkin (38)
• Strategic Adviser (4)
• Intensify Firepower! (6)
• Gunnery Team (7)
• XI7 Turbolasers (6)
• Quad Battery Turrets (5)
• Sovereign (4)
= 182 Points

Gozanti Cruisers (23)
• Comms Net (2)
= 25 Points

Arquitens Command Cruiser (59)
• Engine Techs (8)
• Quad Battery Turrets (5)
= 72 Points

Arquitens Command Cruiser (59)
• Engine Techs (8)
• Quad Battery Turrets (5)
= 72 Points

• Ciena Ree (17)
• Valen Rudor (13)
• Mauler Mithel (15)
= 45 Points

Total Points: 396

Either way it's a super fun list to run.

Good luck!