August Terrain Challenge

By AldousSnow, in Terrain Building

Difficult Terrain!

As explored in last months challenge, terrain can be used for a multitude of game effects. This month, we're focusing on those terrain pieces that give our units a hard time... Unless you're General Greivous.

There are 4 amazing charts in the Rules Reference Guide, under the Terrain Types section, currently starting on page 8. They give a variety of terrain examples, and the corresponding rules for Cover Type and Movement Categories for troopers, ground vehicles, and repulsor vehicles.

A great gaming board should have balance. Does your current setup give free reign to your troopers, but is absolute chaos for your walkers and tanks? Do your repulsor vehicles have tons of options while your troopers can't make it 15 feet without running into a river, lava stream, or the Cliffs of Insanity? Make sure every unit on your board has a choice between a more and less desirable path. This month's challenge:

Create a piece of terrain that provides difficult or impassable movement for one or more unit type.

Ooh, difficult terrain--fun!

I have plenty of ruins, buildings, and general "wall" type terrain, but almost no terrain that could classify as Difficult Terrain (and what I do have is terribly small, and only serves as a base to bigger terrain). I'm definitely gonna go with area terrain; for the type, I'm a bit conflicted. I know I want my Legion terrain to be relatively desert-based, but at present I don't have the resources to make a dedicated board for that (my current board is for grasslands/forest/jungle, which has more application across a range of games). Basically, I can either start making desert terrain that I can eventually use, or keep making forest terrain I can use right now.

Hm... Giving it a bit of thought, I think I'm gonna go with desert themed. It'll be a nice change of pace, and will mean I have a set of terrain ready-to-go as soon as I invest in a new board.

As such, I'm gonna go with some wide patches of broken earth, as well as rubble piles and a dead forest. On top of that, I'm gonna try and make some more additions to my terrain from last month, with some shanty-town barricades and some more temple ruins (I'd never considered making ruins to represent area terrain before, but now it sounds very exciting).

Ha. My Trenches table already has a tone of difficult terrain, but I think some more might be in order.