The five choices for the core-set were excellent. They got in the two biggest charcters (Spiderman and Iron Man), two recent hit movie characters (Captain Marvel, Black Panther), and a really cool comics character in She-Hulk.
But Ms. Marvel? Pssh, come on.
I totally understand they want more female characters, so if we "limit" ourselves to picking female characters, off the top of my head I can think of Black Widow, Storm, Black Cat, Jean Grey, Gomorra, heck even SquirrelGirl is more relevant than Ms. Marvel. At least she has a real hero name that establishes a character trait other than being female.
Edit: I have now been informed Ms. Marvel is a popular minority character. I completely understand the reasoning for picking her then, even though I would've preferred a different minority female character in Storm.
Edited by Supertoe