Nebulon B - Flight Comm. - Fighter Coord. - Yavaris

By Abigroot, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

As the title suggests, running a Nebulon-B Escort Frigate, Flight Commander, Fighter Coordination Team and Yavaris. The question comes in the way of timing of these upgrades. The flight Commander is pretty self explanatory, I can Maneuver and then activate my Squadrons using my Squadron command dial (Move and Attack). But with Fighter Coordination team, After I move my Neb, I can move any squadrons in close to medium range (2 in this case) a 1 distance. The question becomes this and is multifacated, Yavaris states that each squadron I activate can attack twice if it does not move during the activation. since the squadron 1 distance move is not when the squadrons activated (yet) I can effectively be distance 2 away from a target, turn a squadron command dial, move the nebulon, move the squadrons 1 distance (to arrive within 1 distance away from the target) and then attack twice and not move?

Also, can a squadron attack the same target twice? Or do they follow the same attack rules as ships (barring gunnery team which cannot be used on a squadron at any rate)?

Ancillary to this, Adar Tallon; Seems legit to use him instead of Flight Commander. Effectively, I could move the squadron to within distance 1 of a target, attack twice, then toggle one of those squadrons to unactivated, next turn (or during squadron phase) providing another ship is within range he can activate again and fire a third time? In the case of an Xwing, I could effectively throw four blue dice three seperate times (once from the 2 squadrons using yavaris and once again using the next activation), five times if allowed to fire on the same target twice using Yavaris (twice from each squadron using yavaris and one more time using Adar to have a second activation). Any enemy squadron would most likely fall even when using brace!

I may be off but thinking it through seems to work.

It USED to be that way. With a strict reading of just the cards, it is allowed... HOWEVER

The tactic is now specifically shut down by the FAQ.

Which has deliberately amended things so the “if it does not move during the activation” means YAVARIS’ activation.

On the rest of the points: squads are not restricted in target selection in that way - they can shoot the same thing twice via Yavaris if they can shoot it.

The best use of Adar is not on Yavaris. Have Adar move the squad into position and attack, then de activate... So Yavaris can just make it double tap straight away (since the move under Adar was not on Yavaris activation)

Edited by Drasnighta

OK, I see. In my eyes though, the distance 1 movement doesn't happen when the squadrons are activated. But what your saying is that, since they moved SINCE their last activation, that movement counts as, well, movement which would make the yavaris card ineligible for those squadrons that moved during Fighter Coordination?

2 minutes ago, Abigroot said:

OK, I see. In my eyes though, the distance 1 movement doesn't happen when the squadrons are activated. But what your saying is that, since they moved SINCE their last activation, that movement counts as, well, movement which would make the yavaris card ineligible for those squadrons that moved during Fighter Coordination?

It's about Yavaris's activation. They moved during that activation, so they can't attack twice.

You could use another ship with FCT to move them, then Yavaris activates and makes them double tap.

Edited by The Jabbawookie
11 minutes ago, Abigroot said:

OK, I see. In my eyes though, the distance 1 movement doesn't happen when the squadrons are activated. But what your saying is that, since they moved SINCE their last activation, that movement counts as, well, movement which would make the yavaris card ineligible for those squadrons that moved during Fighter Coordination?

From the FAQ

This upgrade card’s effect should read:
“Squad: Each squadron you activate can attack twice if it does not move during your activation.”

abd “your” means Yavaris.

it was a deliberate Nerf

I see, so flight commander, fighter coordination team and yavaris are considered "activated" when the Nebulon is acitvated. Makes sense. It would seem that fighter coordination team wouldn't be suited for this ship in this sense then, but, as Drasnighta said, rather put FCT on Adar to move them into position, attack once, unactivate one of the squads for activation through the Neb with yavaris.

Seemed brutal the other way.

5 minutes ago, Abigroot said:

I see, so flight commander, fighter coordination team and yavaris are considered "activated" when the Nebulon is acitvated. Makes sense. It would seem that fighter coordination team wouldn't be suited for this ship in this sense then, but, as Drasnighta said, rather put FCT on Adar to move them into position, attack once, unactivate one of the squads for activation through the Neb with yavaris.

Seemed brutal the other way.

It worked the other way some time ago, before the errata. But as most of the top places in important tournaments involved that combo (plus Rieekan), FFG decided to make that errata, among others, for balance purposes.

Well I would ask in other case of using Yavaris. If i have the same equipment for yavaris(yavaris + FCT+FC), can i activate yavaris use the squadron order, activate squadrons and shoot them twice, then move yavaris and move the same squadrons with FCT?

You could use FCT on say, a Pelta, and then activate those squadrons with Yavaris for the double attack.

11 hours ago, RastaCzart said:

Well I would ask in other case of using Yavaris. If i have the same equipment for yavaris(yavaris + FCT+FC), can i activate yavaris use the squadron order, activate squadrons and shoot them twice, then move yavaris and move the same squadrons with FCT?

The FAQ is pretty explicit in that being a solid "no".


This upgrade card’s effect should read:
“O: Each squadron you activate can attack twice if it does not move during your activation.”

Edited by Karneck

However, you can trade the points you were going to spend on FCT on Rogues instead. Rogues attack at the bottom of one turn, and then double-tap on the top of the next with Yavaris.

I still use Yavaris, FCT & FC combo. Flight commander is excellent on Yavaris as you can't put Boosted Coms on it. It extends the threat range by double tapping after the ship moves.

The combo with FCTs no longer works but FCTs are still useful on Yavaris extending the strike range of slower fighters, you just don't get the doulbe tap but still have a B-wing moving 1+2 and attacking once and it now sits in a good place for a double tap next round. FCTs are also useful on turn 1 getting the slow squadrons like B-wings shuffled forewards reducing the need to take a pelta and AFFM. FCTs are also great for what I call the Shara lunge - shuffling her forwards with 1-2 ships with FCTs then racing into 3 enemy squadrons to lock them down early in the game. Great against fleets with no intel.